Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3

 Lazarus and Mr Tucker page 3 by ric gustafson

Lloyd put down a half eaten sandwich. He took a sip from a diet coke. He was staring out a window at the old man. " That is a pitiful sight".
" He's not bothering anybody" replied Fred Jones. He decided to try and change the subject. " So what are your plans this weekend?".
" I'm going to be playing golf with three of my brothers". All of a sudden, Lloyd put a hand on his chest.
" What's wrong Lloyd?".
" I've been having some chest discomfort lately". He took another sip of his diet coke. " It comes and it goes".
" You should get yourself checked out". Fred stood up and threw the rest of his lunch into a trash can. " Don't ignore it". He walked out of Lloyd's office.
Lloyd stared out the window at the old man again. The chest discomfort was still there.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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