Friday, July 30, 2021

Pilate 2021 page 25

 Pilate 2021 page 25 by ric gustafson

Pilate could not sleep. He wanted to ask his friend what had heavily been on his mind for eleven years.
" Cornelius my friend, something has been bothering me for the last eleven years?".
" The missing body of Jesus of Nazareth".
" Yes". His voice hesitated. " Do you believe he was the Son of God?".
" Yes, I believe that Jesus came from the essence of God".
" So you do believe he was the Son of God?".
" Yes Prefect I do".
" I believe that this Jesus I crucified was perhaps innocent".
Cornelius smiled. " Perhaps he was".
" I also believe he was mortal like everyone else".
" Let me know if you wish to discuss this further".
Pilate sighed. " I don't think so".
He bade his friend goodby.

The End

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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