Thursday, July 1, 2021

this was your life: Luke 12:19

 this was your life: Luke 12:19 by ric gustafson

Newt Martin sat in a chair on the huge deck. " This is the life Jeff".
" It sure is" Jeff Richards replied as he sipped wine from a glass. " I can't believe we are already retired".
" Why not". Newt picked up a nearby stock statement. " Our stock has made us rich".
" I just can't believe". Jeff scratched his chin in thought. " We are drinking wine at noon while all of our friends are still working".
" I told my soul". Newt smiled. " That I was going to eat, drink and be merry".
Jeff sipped his wine. " This is the life".
Newt glanced at his watch. " Oh, I have takeout pizza coming".

research help: ' This was your life' by Chick Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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