Sunday, July 18, 2021

Pilate 2021 page 17

 Pilate 2021 page 17 by ric gustafson

Herod Antipas stared at the manacled man in front of him. " Yeshu, I've wanted to see you for some time".
Jesus was silent.
" I've wanted to see a prophet for myself".
Jesus was silent.
" Don't just stand there". He was beginning to lose his temper. " Do a miracle".
Jesus was silent.
" Guards, I think it's time to show reverence to this king".
The guards began to mock and ridicule Jesus. A white robe was put on him.
After a while.
" That's enough". Herod sneered. " Take him back to Pilate".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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