Sunday, July 4, 2021

this was your life: Luke 12:20

 this was your life: Luke 12:20 by ric gustafson

Newt heard the doorbell. " It's probably the pizza". He walked inside the house and grabbed his wallet from a nearby table. He opened the front door. It revealed a young man holding two pizzas.
" I'm Robert". He pointed at his badge. " Grim Reaper Pizza".
Newt laughed. " The Grim Reaper".
" Here's your pizzas". He handed them to Newt. " Enjoy your final meal".
He gave the young man a puzzled look. " What do you mean my final meal?".
" Newt Martin". The young man stared at him. " You are a fool".
Newt gave him a mad stare. " Why would you call me that for?".
" Newt Martin, this very night". The young man frowned, " Your soul shall be required of thee". He walked out the front door after Newt paid him.
Newt shook his head. " He's crazy".

research help: ' This was your life' by Chick Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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