Monday, March 11, 2019

The Jailer 2019

The Jailer 2019 by ric gustafson

The Jailer checked the prisoner's stocks. He frowned at the nearby guards. " The magistrates have ordered me to guard these two prisoners with my life". " At the risk of your own life". He gave them a stern look. " Watch them carefully".
One of the scared guards spoke up. " What did these men do?".
" A slave girl was proclaiming that these two were servants of the most high God". " Then this one". He pointed at Paul. " He commanded the spirit to come out of her".
" Then what happened?".
" The slave girl's owners were enraged". He pointed at Paul's back. " They were beaten to an inch of their life".
The Jailer secured the prison again and checked the prisoner's stocks again.
Around midnight, he woke up to hear the two prisoners singing and praying. Just then, the walls and foundation of the prison shook as if it was an earthquake. As he walked toward the prisoner's cell, he could hear the stocks coming off the prisoner's feet and the prison door opening.
Scared, he drew his sword to take his life. Then he heard one of the prisoners.
" Don't harm yourself, we are all here".
He turned on the lights and ran into the prisoner's cell. He fell onto his face in front of Paul and Silas.
" Sirs, what must I do to be saved?".
" Believe in the Lord Jesus". He smiled. " And you and your household will be saved".
The Jailer washed their torn backs. He and his entire family were baptized and saved.
Praise God.

The End

research help:  The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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