Tuesday, March 26, 2019

God's Table: fish

God's Table:  fish by ric gustafson

The Sea of Galilee is shallow and just 200 feet at one point. The first mention of fish in God's Word occurs on the fifth day of creation. The Egyptians pioneered fishing. God warned his people not to worship a fish god named Dagon. One of the entrances into Jerusalem was called the ' Fish Gate'. Jonah was swallowed by a large fish.
In the Sea of Galilee are one pound silver fish with a large dorsal fin. This fish is called amnon or ' St Peter's fish'. The fish got it's nickname from a story in Matthew. Also popular from the Sea is a carp type fish named barbel. Similar to barbel is gefilte which tastes like meatloaf. St Peter's fish is served broiled with sweet potato. Jesus considered the Sea of Galilee as his home base/
One final observation, the greek word ' ichthys' means fish. Praise God.

research help: ' Taste and See' by Margaret Feinberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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