Wednesday, March 6, 2019

grace: godless living

grace: godless living by ric gustafson

So what happens if we dismiss God from our lives?. Do we gain anything by telling God we want to satisfy ourselves and not God. According to Romans 1, the apostle Paul says this thinking is not right. According to Paul, we lose our purpose in life and we are foolish. We lose our standard and purpose in life.
For some people, their work is their identity. For some, it is their possessions. According to Romans 1, all these are mirages in the desert of purpose. No matter how far we stray away from God, he will find us. He wants to know those who do not know him. The simple fact is God loves us more than anything else in the world. He always has, he always will. He loves to give us grace.

research help: ' In the grip of grace' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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