Friday, March 15, 2019

Locker 107 page 4

Locker 107 page 4 by ric gustafson

Alison walked over to Helene. She was standing next to a rusted locker. On top was a rusted nameplate that read ' 107'.  Helene smiled. " You do the honor".
Alison opened the locker. She peered inside. She noticed it was empty except for a faded manila folder. She took out the folder and opened it. Some faded photographs fell out.
Alison reached down and picked them up. She began to study them.
Helene beamed. " Your family?".
" Yes". She smiled. " Some are of my parents and grandparents". She began to stare at one of the photographs. She handed it to Helene. " Is this my great grandmother?".
Helene stared at it. " It sure is". Then her eyes got bigger. " Who's the handsome man standing next to her?". She handed back the picture.
" I don't know". All of a sudden, she dropped the photo. " Oh my God!".
" What?".
Alison stared at Helene. " They are standing on the Titanic".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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