Saturday, February 23, 2019

the Boxer page 2

the Boxer page 2 by ric gustafson

As my line approached the young SS officer, I asked a priest next to me if he knew his name.
" My name is Maximilian Kolbe". He pointed at the officer. " That is Dr Josef Mengele". " Be careful". He frowned. " His nickname is the Angel of Death".
A pair of male twins stood in front of me.
" Step forward little boys". Mengele smiled as he handed them a bar of chocolate. " You will become part of my special group". He pointed them toward a group of twins and special children.
I stepped up to the young SS officer. " You look strong". He walked slowly around me. " Like a boxer".
He pointed me to the right.
My father, mother and younger sister all went to the left/

research help: ' Samson' by Shawn Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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