Saturday, February 16, 2019

the Boxer page 1

the Boxer page 1 by ric Gustafson

I woke up and noticed that the train had stopped. It was night time and pitch black out. It was bitterly cold out. I rubbed my strong arms to warm up. In the ghetto, my nickname was ' the Boxer'. I never lost a fight.
" Where are we? " my little sister exclaimed. " Why have we stopped?".
" I don't know". I looked out through the cattle car slats. As the sun came up, I noticed rows and rows of wooden barracks as far as I could see. Then the train engine started. The train slowly inched through the main gate. I noticed a sign on the wrought iron entrance gate. It read ' Arbeit Macht Frei'.
The train stopped. Our cattle car was opened. Soldiers pulled me out of the car. They were hitting me with clubs. I quickly helped the rest of my family get out. My father, mother and little sister.
A guard yelled at me " Form three lines". He pointed. " Men, women, children".
Their was chaos as the lines formed. There was screaming and crying as families were separated. Then I noticed a young SS officer who was whistling as he walked toward the head of the three lines. Later, I found out his name was Hauptsturmfuhrer Josef Mengele.

research help: ' Samson' by Shawn Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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