Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jesus the one and only: spritually sovereign

Jesus the one and only:  spiritually sovereign by ric Gustafson

Jesus talks about demons in his Word. A lot of people do not want to believe in them. The truth is that they are real. Another fact is that demons are vicious. Demons believe in God. Demons are agents of sin and death. In Mark 5, demons are referred to as impure or unclean spirits. Demons are spiritually filthy. In Matthew 12, demons are referred to as evil or wicked. Jesus has total power over demons. And so do we as his followers. Praise God

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Priscilla

people in the Bible:  Priscilla by ric Gustafson

One couple that was close to the Apostle Paul was Aquila and Priscilla. The couple were expelled from Rome by Emperor Claudius in AD 49. They settled in Corinth and that is where they met Paul. They worked with Paul as tentmakers. When they moved to Ephesus, their home was used by Ephesian Christians.
Aquila and Priscilla were a Christian couple used by God for great things. I pray that my wife and I can do the same thing for God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Supper page 1

the Great Supper page 1 by ric Gustafson

Howard Moore opened the refrigerator and took out a Diet Coke. He walked into a spacious home office. He yawned as he sat down at a wooden roll top desk. He began to look through a phone rolodex. He had been Mr Lee Eldon's personal assistant for twenty years and enjoyed every minute of the job.
He had been given a set of instructions from Mr Eldon. He wanted to have a big supper party. He instructed Howard to invite three of his best friends from college. For this special supper party, money was no object.
Howard pulled a card from the rolodex. He dialed the number. " Hello, is Mr Clyde Dworak there?".
A man answered. " This is Clyde Dworak".
" Hello, this is Howard Moore Lee Eldon's assistant".
" I haven't seen Lee in years". The voice paused. " How is Lee doing?".
" He's fine". Howard cleared his throat. " He's inviting you to a big supper party he is planning".
" Sure". The voice paused. " Tell Lee I'll be there".

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a great cloud of witnesses page 5

a great cloud of witnesses page 5 by ric Gustafson

As Charlie ran toward the finish line, he could feel his stamina increase. He looked for one more water station but did not see one. He looked toward the right and saw a small set of stands near the finish line. As he ran toward the finish line, he noticed some people starting to sit down.
Just as he neared the finish tape, he noticed Noah, Moses and Uncle Frank were sitting in the stands and cheering him on. He ran through the finish tape and then stopped to catch his breath. He knew in his heart that he would not have made it without those three people encouraging him to finish the race and not give up.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the great eye doctor

Jesus the one and only: the great eye doctor by ric Gustafson

In the Bible, we read of a man who was blind since birth. Those conditions were frowned upon as a burden and a curse. We encounter this man in John chapter 9. This man had never met Jesus. Without Jesus, we are living in spiritual darkness. Those who refuse Jesus have a spiritual problem.
People around this man believed that his blindness was due to his sin or his parents sin. Jesus spat on the ground, made mud and put it on the man's eyes. He could see. Believing is seeing. A man in darkness needs a light. Jesus is the light of the world. Praise God.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a great cloud of witnesses page 4

a great cloud of witnesses page 4 by ric Gustafson

Charlie ran up to the nine mile marker. His legs felt as if they could go no further. His eyes were stinging from the heat and he was getting very tired. He noticed the water station on the right. He stopped under the flap.
An old man, wearing a faded white robe and carrying a staff, smiled and handed him a cup of cold water. " You look thirsty young man".
" I am". He gulped down the water. " Thank you I needed that".
" Your welcome". He smiled as he handed some water to another runner. " I know what it's like to be thirsty in a hot place".
He stared at the old man. " You sound like Moses in the desert".
" That's interesting that you said that". He smiled. " Because my name is Moses".
" The burning bush Moses?".
" That's right Charlie". He smiled again. " I'm here to give you encouragement".
" Encouragement?".
" To encourage you to finish this last three miles". He grinned. " And not to give up".
Smiling, Charlie ran out of the tent.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Pilate

people in the Bible: Pilate by ric Gustafson

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea and Samaria from AD 26-36. Jesus was brought to Pilate for sentencing. Pilate questioned Jesus and concluded that he could find no fault in him at all. The crowd gathered wanted blood. Jesus was scourged to appease them. The crowd wanted to crucify him. Pilate wanted them to crucify him themselves. When they refused, Pilate washed his hands of the whole thing and crucified Jesus.
Character is priceless. How is our character today?. Are we doing things right in God's eyes?. I hope and pray that we are every day. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 28, 2017

my anchor: Hebrews 4: 14-16

my anchor: Hebrews 4: 14-16 by ric Gustafson

Hebrews 4: 16 proclaims that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence. You and I fail all the time. We need to listen to God's Word with confidence. We must listen with faith. We cannot fool God. We should not have fear or shame in our life. Jesus in heaven stands in our defense. Jesus proclaims God's grace for us. Jesus will never turn his back on us. He loves us very much.

research help:  an anchor devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Phoebe

people in the Bible:  Phoebe by ric Gustafson

Phoebe was involved in a church in Corinth Greece. She helped with the daily administration of the local church. She helped many people including the Apostle Paul. Paul asked her to deliver a letter to a church in Rome. He trusted her and knew that she was reliable. She was a businesswoman and had business there anyway.
Are you trustworthy with your service to the church?. Are we ready for more responsibility?. I pray that we are and that God will reward that.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 27, 2017

a great cloud of witnesses page 3

a great cloud of witnesses page 3 by ric Gustafson

Charlie could feel it in his legs and on his face. The sun was affecting his running and his legs were getting tired. " I want to quit this race" he mumbled to himself as the six mile marker came up. He was about to stop when he noticed the water station ahead. He walked in and was handed a cup of water.
" How are you Charlie?".
He looked up into the smiling face of his favorite uncle.
" Uncle Frank". He gulped down the water. " What are you doing here?".
" I am here to encourage you". He gave a cup of water to another runner. " To stay in this race and not give up".
" Uncle Frank, my legs hurt and sweat is stinging my eyes". He gulped down the rest of the water. " I can't go on any farther".
" Remember when you encouraged me in my faith".
" Of course".
" That is what I am doing for you right now". He gave the young man a hug. " I am encouraging you to hang in there and not give up".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Philip

people in the Bible: Philip by ric Gustafson

Philip was one of Jesus's twelve disciples. He was a native of Bethsaida. At first he was gung ho for Jesus and recruited Nathanael. But at the feeding of the five thousand, Philip's faith faltered. Philip was tested by Jesus to show his faith. He failed the test. The good news is that Philip by tradition became the great light of Asia Minor.
How is our faith today?. When Jesus tests our faith, how will we respond. I pray that we will pass the test. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 26, 2017

my anchor: Psalm 25

my anchor:  Psalm 25 by ric Gustafson

We have to make a lot of personal choices throughout the week. Should we do this or that?. In Psalm 25, David asks God to show me your ways O Lord teach me your paths. The truth is that God is with us every day. We are reminded of God's Word. God is always with us. He directs us in the way that we should go.

research help: an anchor devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a great cloud of witnesses page 2

a great cloud of witnesses page 2 by ric Gustafson

Charlie stretched his legs and tried to relax. He noticed the other runners were doing the same thing. This was his first major race and it was very warm out. He began to doubt if he could finish the race.
The gun went off and he began his run. Because of the heat, he fell out of the pack after three miles. He was already thirsty. Then he noticed a water station ahead. He stopped under the tent. A grizzled old man handed him a cup of water.
Charlie quickly gulped it down. " Thank you".
" I'm Noah". He grinned as he gave another runner a cup of water. " I'm here to give you encouragement".
Charlie ran out of the tent with renewed vigor.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Peter

people in the Bible:  Peter by ric Gustafson

Peter was from Bethsaida on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. He was the first disciple Jesus called. He had a strong personality and was often the disciples spokesperson. His main problem was that he often spoke before he thought. He also denied Jesus three times.
After his resurrection, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. Peter replied yes three times. Peter became an important preacher in the first century. Peter was restored by Jesus. The good news is that we can be also.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 25, 2017

the Wolf's mercedes page 3

the Wolf's Mercedes page 3 by ric Gustafson

Writers from the The New Yorker asked Janus if they could have a ride in Hitler's car. They met him at Zumbach Motors. He showed them some things that he had discovered. In the passenger side door was a secret compartment for a Luger pistol. A sheet of armor plating could be hand cranked for protection. The total numbers of seats could be eight. As they drove around Central Park, some people cheered and some people booed.
Janus accepted an invitation to put the car on a short term exhibit at Rockefeller Center. The huge center and it's joining Radio City Music Hall was not physically suited for such a large vehicle. In order to get it inside the second floor, a plate glass window had to be removed. Word spread and crowds flocked in to see Hitler's car. Being there for thirty days, was a huge success. Many bogus stories about the car emerged. One true story was that the car was given to Carl Gustaf Mannerheim as a seventy fifth birthday present. Mannerheim had taken the car to Sweden where Janus bought it. Next, the car was displayed at the Illinois State Fair. Janus's future was bright.

research help: ' The Devil's Mercedes' by Robert Klara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Paul

people in the Bible: Paul by ric Gustafson

Saul of Tarsus was born of Jewish parents. He was a strict Pharisee and a Roman citizen. One day, his life changed forever on a road to Damascus. He became Paul and was totally devoted to Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus, he formulated a Christian theology and wrote twenty five percent of the New Testament.
He endured many hardships for Jesus. He was beaten, robbed, stoned and left for dead. At the end, he was beheaded in Rome by Emperor Nero.
God wants us to be totally devoted to him no matter what.
Praise God

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a great cloud of witnesses page 1

a great cloud of witnesses page 1 by ric Gustafson

Charlie Hansen walked down the hotel hallway. He had just registered for a race tomorrow morning. As he walked by a ballroom, he noticed a sign in front. It read ' Hebrews 11 Old Testament Hall of Fame Banquet'. A young man in white was seated by the door.
" What banquet is this?".
The angel Michael smiled. " They are honoring men and women all of whom died in the faith".
Charlie peered inside. " So who are they honoring?".
Michael grinned. " One is Abel who gave an excellent sacrifice unto God".
" I learned about him and his brother in Sunday School".
" There's Enoch who did not die".
Charlie scratched his chin. " What do you mean he did not die?".
" He went right to heaven".
" Who else is being honored?".
" Noah, Abraham and Sara".
Charlie glanced at his watch. " I better get some sleep before the race tomorrow".
Michael gave him a hug. " Good luck tomorrow".

research help: Hebrews 11

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 24, 2017

people in the Bible: Noah

people in the Bible: Noah by ric Gustafson

When Noah lived, the world was like it is now. Violence and corruption are rampant. Sexual perversion was everywhere. God decided to destroy mankind with a universal flood. There was one righteous man who walked with God. That man was Noah. Noah found grace in the eyes of God. He was instructed by God to build an ark by God's design. He, his family and two of each kind of animal were to enter this ark. This ark was a picture of God's salvation.
When we see a rainbow today, it reminds us of God's promise not to send another flood.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus the one and only: the great empathizer

Jesus the one and only: the great empathizer by ric Gustafson

Jesus gets excited when he sees our faith. One time, Jesus was speaking to a full house. Nobody else was able to get in. Four people brought their disabled friend. They could not get in. They decide to dig a hole through the roof and lower him in. They lower him right in front of Jesus. Jesus gets excited when he sees our faith. Jesus admired their determination. Instead of offering healing, Jesus said something else. " My child, your sins are forgiven". The man was disabled and he was disabled by sin. Jesus wanted to deal with his symptom and not his problem. His greatest need was spiritual.
This is why I am a Christian. Jesus loves me this I know.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

the Wolf's mercedes page 2

the Wolf's Mercedes page 2 by ric Gustafson

On June 28 1948, Janus traveled to New York from Chicago to receive the car. He went to Pier 97 where the Swedish American Lines ship anchored. It was the MS Stockholm and it stuck out in the Hudson River. Janus had waited three weeks for the car and he could not wait to receive it. Twenty reporters and cameramen were present for the event. Word had gotten out.
Janus's eyes bulged as the car started to emerge from the ship's cargo hold. The car's windshield appeared braced by strips of chromed steel. The grille fronted a narrow hood that looked longer than a bowling alley. The rest of the car emerged. The car was seven feet wide and as long as the front of a tenement house.
The 1941 Mercedes Benz had bulbous fenders and chrome exhaust hoses. It had running boards. A reporter asked Janus how much he paid for the car. He would not say. What did he plan on doing with the car?. He was not sure. But Hitler's car was now his. All his.

research help: ' The Devil's Mercedes' by Robert Klara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

the Wolf's Mercedes page 1

the Wolf''s Mercedes page 1 by ric gustafson

It was June of 1948 and Christopher Janus was working at the Chicago Board of Trade building in Chicago. Janus was the managing director of exporting and importing. One day, he received a call from Stockholm Sweden. His company had just exported thirty five thousand dollars worth of machinery including a large shipment of ball bearings. The Swedish contact did not have enough greenbacks for the deal. A trade was suggested. The Swedish contact had a car in mind.
It was not just any car. It was Adolf Hitler's car. It was a custom built 1941 custom built Mercedes Benz Grosser 770 k model open touring car. Janus knew that such a car would be a great attraction for charity. And also to make a profit on his investment. He agreed to the deal.

research help: ' the Devil's Mercedes' by Robert Klara

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus the one and only: a leader worth following

Jesus the one and only: a leader worth following by ric Gustafson

Jesus was amazed by a man who did believe in him according to Luke 7: 1-10. The man was a centurion who was an officer in the Roman guard. He wasn't religious and was no bible scholar. But this man believed. This centurion had a sick servant. He had heard about Jesus. On his behalf, some Jewish elders asked Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus was stopped on the way by the centurion's friends. Jesus was told not to come further but to say the word. The centurion knew about leadership. God expects us to respect and to receive leadership.
Praise God.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

free salvation or free apples page 2

free salvation or free apples page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jesus smiled as he handed a little girl an apple slice. " All you have to do is simply believe in me".
I gave him a strange look. " That's all I have to do".
" That's it". He smiled as he helped another customer. " That's why it's free".
I thought for a moment. " What do I have to do for that free salvation?".
" First, you must admit that you are a sinner". He grinned. " And then repent your sins".
I thought for a moment. " I might be able to do that".
" Then you must be willing to change your life and ways". He gave a small boy an apple slice. " And then simply follow me".
I frowned. " I have to change my life completely".
" Yes".
I thought for a moment. " I don't think I can do that".
Sadness came over Jesus's face. " So you would rather take the free apples".
" I guess". I grinned. " I don't want to change my ways".
" Here you go". He handed me a bag of gala apples. " Thank you for stopping".
I took the apples and left.
A tear came to Jesus's eye.
A young woman walked up.
" Welcome to free salvation or free apples".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 21, 2017

a cup: a cup of easy

a cup: a cup of easy by ric Gustafson

Sometimes I struggle with rules. It is hard work to keep them. It is not good to stray away from the right path. It is easy to get onto the wrong path.
Doing things our own way darkens our heart. Focusing on myself keeps me from thinking about others. Jesus offers us a better way. Jesus wants us to abandon ourselves and focus on him. Jesus's purpose for us is to love him and to love others. Jesus's yoke is light.
Praise God.

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Nicodemus

people in the Bible:  Nicodemus by ric Gustafson

Nicodemus knew the risks of expressing faith in Jesus. He was a Pharisee. He was a wealthy, well educated and a powerful member of the Sanhedrin. He had a lot to lose. That is why he talked to Jesus at night. Jesus explained to him that he must be born again.
When the case of Jesus was talked about at a Sanhedrin meeting, Nicodemus spoke up for Jesus. He brought spices so Jesus's body could be anointed. We must believe that our salvation is gain and that our salvation is through the shed blood of Jesus.

research help:  ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 20, 2017

the fork in the road page 6

the fork in the road page 6 by ric Gustafson

Alvin opened the door and turned on the light. The hotel room was ample with a queen size bed, a couch, easy chair and a large TV. " Carlos, you can put the suitcases by the front door".
" Sure". The doorman had no trouble with the first three suitcases. He struggled with the blue one.
" Thank you". Alvin gave the young man a tip. " I appreciate your help". After Carlos had left, Alvin fetched a Diet Coke from the mini refrigerator.  He sat down and turned on the TV. He opened up his bible. He turned to Matthew 6. He liked this chapter because it talked about not having anxiety in your life. As he read, his eyelids grew heavy. He closed his eyes to take a little nap.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Nehemiah

people in the Bible:  Nehemiah by ric Gustafson

Nehemiah was a descendant of the Jews carried off to Babylon in 587 BC. In 539 BC, Cyrus the Persian permitted exiles to return to Jerusalem. In 445 BC, Nehemiah was given permission to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. Three men constantly harassed Nehemiah as he tried to do what God wanted him to do. God watched over Nehemiah and the walls were completed in fifty two days.
We can face our opposition if we are determined and ask God to strengthen us. God will work with us and will always be with us. He promises us that.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 19, 2017

a cup: a cup of comfort

a cup: a cup of comfort by ric Gustafson

Some have wondered if suffering is God's punishment for my sin. That is as far from the truth as you can get. The truth is that our sins are washed away in Jesus. All of them past present and future. According to Psalm 103, our sins for all time were paid in full by Jesus's blood.
We need to tell God we love him on bended knees. God is our father not accuser.

research help:  ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fork in the road page 5

the fork in the road page 5 by ric Gustafson

Alvin put down the Bay River map when the light turned green. He enjoyed driving the berry red Saturn Aura. After the traffic light, he drove two miles to the entrance sign he was looking for. He turned into a huge parking lot. He drove up to the valet parking attendant. He got out and handed him the keys. " I have four suitcases including a heavy blue one". He gave him a small tip. " Could you please bring them in?".
Alvin walked through double sliding doors into what looked like a tropical paradise. To the right was the front desk. Palm trees dotted the lobby. He turned to see the valet bring in his suitcases on a rolling rack.
" Can I help you?" asked a young woman.
" Yes, a reservation for Alvin Walters".
" Are you here for the Hanscom Corporation convention?".
" Yes, I am".
The young woman stared into a computer screen.. " One queen size single room".
" Yes, that's fine".
" How long will you be staying with us?".
Alvin signed the registration card and handed it back. " Five days".
" Super". She handed him some keys. " You will be staying in Room 459". She pointed. " Just take the elevator to the fourth floor and turn right".
" Thank you".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

free salvation or free apples page 1

free salvation or free apples page 1 by ric Gustafson

I walked down the cobble stoned street past an old man wearing a large felt hat. " Welcome to the Market". It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was looking forward to walking through the downtown farmer's market. I walked past old people, young people and those with dogs. I walked past booths of fresh produce, fresh tea and everything you could think of.
All of a sudden, I noticed a booth sign that said ' Free Salvation or Free Apples'. I walked up to a young bearded man wearing white shorts and a white tee shirt. He was putting gala apples into small bags.
" Hello there". He smiled. " Welcome to Free Salvation or Free Apples".
I smiled. " Your sign caught my eye".
" Thank you". He grinned as he handed an apple slice to someone. " Can I help you make a choice?".
I thought to myself. " I guess I do have to make that choice".
" In fact". His voice hesitated. " It is the most important choice you will ever make".
" Salvation or apples?".
" That's right".
I scratched my chin. " You want to explain that to me".
" Sure".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 18, 2017

my anchor: Psalm 23

my anchor: Psalm 23 by ric Gustafson

Psalm 23: 1-2 declares that the Lord is my shepherd. Sometimes we fret because life is not going according to our plans. When we focus on our own problems, we miss the Good Shepherd. Jesus our Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures. He leads us beside still waters. He restores my soul.
We can have Jesus the Good Shepherd right now.
Praise God.

research help: an Anchor devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Moses

people in the Bible:  Moses by ric Gustafson

Moses was hidden in a basket in the Nile. Pharaoh's daughter rescued him. He was raised in Pharaoh's court.  Moses loved his people. He killed an Egyptian who was beating a slave. When discovered, Moses had to flee into the desert for forty years. One day, God appeared to him in a flaming bush. He called Moses to lead his people from Egyptian bondage.
If you are stuck in your spiritual growth, don't regret the wait. God prepares his saints.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 17, 2017

people in the Bible: Miriam

people in the Bible:  Miriam by ric Gustafson

Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She watched as her baby brother was found by an Egyptian princess. Later, she became jealous at Moses. Jehovah punished Miriam by making her leprous. She was shut off from everyone for seven days. Moses interceded for her and God healed her. /We do not hear from her again until her death.
Her jealousy and anger hurt her deeply.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

my anchor: Isaiah 40: 25-31

my anchor:  Isaiah 40: 25-31 by ric Gustafson

According to this bible verse from Isaiah, God gives us strength for today. The prophet explains that he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, God in Exodus 3: 14 tells Moses that he is who he is. God tells us about his eternal dependable nature. The promises he gives to Moses and to us explains his never changing character.
We have the reality of God's presence. His presence comes to us through his Son Jesus. We feel God's presence through the Holy Spirit. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Praise God.

research help: an anchor devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fork in the road page 4

the fork in the road page 4 by ric Gustafson

Alvin walked up to the Rent A Car counter. He smiled as he departed the plane. He loved the white beach of the Gulf Coast. His parents brought him and his little brother every year during the summer. He would look for sea shells and watch the sea gulls. He jumped at the chance to come back when the annual summer convention was announced by his company.
" May I help you?".
He looked up to see a young man smiling at him.
" Yes". His voice cracked. " I would like to rent a car for a week".
" What kind of car are you interested in?".
Alvin thought for a second. " A mid size four door sedan would do".
The clerk walked over and peered outside. " How about a Saturn Aura?".
" That's fine". He handed the clerk a credit card. He signed the papers and was given some keys. " Do you have any information on the Bay River Resort?".
" I sure do". He handed Alvin a map of the Bay River area and the resort.
Alvin walked toward the front door. " Thank you".
" Enjoy the week".
Alvin walked outside, put the four suitcases in the trunk and then studied the map for a while.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Micah

people in the Bible:  Micah by ric Gustafson

The prophet Micah was impressed with Bethlehem. In Micah 5:2, he pinpointed that it would be where the ruler of Israel would come from. This was seven hundred years before it happened.
Once, Phillips Brooks visited Bethlehem. He was so impressed that he sat down and wrote a Christmas song called ' O little town of Bethlehem'. In Bethlehem was  born the only person who could take away our fears and give us hope. Jesus is that person.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

the fork in the road page 3

the fork in the road page 3 by ric Gustafson

Jose opened the trunk and took out the three brown suitcases. He struggled to take out the large blue suitcase. Alvin put the suitcases on a large wheeled cart. He noticed that the blue suitcase was a lot heavier than the other three.
" Thank you Jose". He paid the cab driver. He walked the cart inside the airport entrance. He walked up to the roped off check in area.
" We'll take those" exclaimed a luggage searcher.
" Thank you". He walked up to the front counter. He gave his itinerary to the young counter clerk.
He looked up at Alvin. " Flying straight through to Bay River Florida".
" Yes".
The suitcases were put on the conveyor belt.
After a while, he was handed his itinerary back. " Your all set". He smiled. " Gate A5".
After Alvin boarded the plane, he sat down.
As he waited for the plane to take off, he was still pondering where that blue suitcase came from.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Matthew

people in the Bible:  Matthew by ric Gustafson

One of the most hated jobs in Jesus's day was to be a tax collector. That is what Matthew was doing before he met Jesus. Jesus put them into the same category as harlots, heathens and other sinners. Tax collectors were hated and viewed as scabs.
One day, Matthew's life changed forever. Jesus asked Matthew to follow him. That's what Matthew did. Ask God to reveal his will for you. He will. Praise God.

research help:  ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 14, 2017

the fork in the road page 2

the fork in the road page 2 by ric Gustafson

Alvin Walters heard the music coming from the little white clock. He quietly turned it off. He reached over and gave his wife a peck on the cheek. He got up, shaved, showered and put on his clothes he had set out.
He sat down three brown suitcases by the front door. He sat down at a kitchen nook and had a bowl of cereal and wheat toast. He studied his trip itinerary. He glanced at a clock on a wall. He knew the cab was coming soon. He walked back up to the bedroom.
Eleanor Walters heard a noise and opened her eyes. Her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed. " Is it time already?". She yawned and then glanced at the little white clock.
Alvin smiled. " The cab will be here shortly".
" How long is the conference?".
He heard the honk of the cab. " One week".
She yawned. " Where is the conference again?".
" Bay River Resort". He gave her another peck on the cheek. " Go back to sleep the cab's here".
She rolled over and went back to sleep.
He walked back downstairs and opened the front door.
A cab driver named Jose smiled. " Good morning sir".
" Morning". He helped him take the three suitcases to the trunk of the cab. As Jose opened the trunk, Alvin looked at his cell phone. He turned around and noticed the suitcases. Confusion came over his face. " What is that suitcase doing there?". A big blue suitcase was sitting in between the three brown ones.
" I don't know sir?". He put the three brown suitcases into the trunk with ease. He struggled to put the blue one in. " Sure is heavy". He closed the trunk.
Alvin and Jose got in and left.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 13, 2017

my anchor: Psalm 46

my anchor:  Psalm 46 by ric Gustafson

Psalm 46 talks about God being our ever present help. God does not guarantee that we will have a trouble free life. God does promise that he will be our refuge and strength. Everything in life can fail us but God will not.
The psalmist talks about natural disasters, crises of war and political upheaval. It is comforting to know that God is always there in the worst of our problems. God has always been there and will continue to do so. Praise God.

research help:  an Anchor devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a cup: a cup of freedom

a cup: a cup of freedom by ric Gustafson

Sometimes I just think of myself and not others. It is bondage and affects me greatly. It is embarrassing  and affects my joy and peace. I hate living in bondage. Have you been there too?.
Most of us have been there. Do we have to stay there?. The answer is no. God loves us more than anything even when we think of ourselves and not him. God loves us just the way we are.
Praise God.

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fork in the road page 1

the fork in the road page 1 by ric Gustafson

God was sitting in a chair and was monitoring a large TV screen. He was paying special attention to the screen. As he watched, an assistant walked in. He whispered into God's ear.
God frowned. " Ok, send him in".
A tall lanky man wearing a red cape that shrouded his face walked in. He quietly sat down in an open chair.
Satan had a evil grin on his face. " What are you doing?".
" Watching one of my faithful followers Alvin Walters".
Satan stared at God. " Why?".
God smiled. " Because he faithfully follows me  and honors me".
Satan gave an evil chuckle. " His life has been easy".
" What do you mean?".
" If he was really tempted". He gave God a serious stare. " He would not be as faithful as you think".
" I think you are wrong".
Satan gave another evil chuckle. " Do you give your permission to try?".
" Ok". God scratched his chin. " As usual you can only do what I allow".
Satan stood up. " I know I know". He left the room.
God shook his head and went back to studying the TV screen.

research help:  Job chapter 1

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Mary from Bethany

people in the Bible: Mary from Bethany by ric Gustafson

Right before Jesus was crucified, he and his disciples were in Bethany. In an act of kindness, Mary poured an alabaster flask of costly spikenard over Jesus's head. Judas criticized her for the waste. Jesus defended what Mary did.
People express their love for Jesus in different ways. Mary did it in her way. She did what she could and Jesus praised her for that. God expects us to do great things for him. All that Jesus expects is what comes from our heart. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the one who multiplies

Jesus the one and only: the one who multiplies by ric Gustafson

There is only one miracle recorded in all the Gospels. This miracle is the feeding of the five thousand. This is the only time Jesus asked for advice. This miracle was the largest of all of Jesus's miracles. In John 6:6, Jesus gave Philip a test. Jesus already knew what he was going to do. Jesus also gives us a test. Philip flunked the test because of a lack of faith.
Just then, Andrew presents a boy. He had a little lunch. Jesus blessed what the boy had. Jesus will use what you give. Jesus blesses what he uses. Praise God.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a cup: a cup of unknowing

a cup:  a cup of unknowing by ric Gustafson

When I see death, oppression, floods and famine in this world, sometimes it makes you wonder if God cares. There are those who say that the bad things that happen in this world is because God does not care. Suffering is a mystery. Amid all the misery in this world, God is there.
Love is divine. There is comfort in knowing that love surrounds thanks to God. God surrounds us so love also surrounds us. We cannot explain what happens to us in this world. The fact is that God loves us, he takes care of us and that is all that matters. Praise God.

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Mary Magdalene

people in the Bible:  Mary Magdalene by ric Gustafson

Mary Magdalene was harassed by seven demonic spirits. According to Luke 8:2, Jesus healed her. Then she joined the disciples and followed Jesus everywhere. She was there when Jesus was on the cross.
God has a very good memory. He rewards faithfulness. She was not a pastor or a leader of the church. She was a simple woman who was totally devoted to Jesus. Jesus talked to Mary at the tomb. She was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. You do not have to be famous to follow Jesus. God rewards everyone who follows his Son. Praise God

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the captain of my ship

Jesus the one and only:  the captain of my ship by ric Gustafson

Life's storms can be unpredictable. The storms of life can come up at any time. Jesus always remembers and gives us his promises. When the storms of life hit, Jesus wants us to rest in his presence. Jesus wants us to rely on his power. When the storms of life hit us, we can always come to Jesus. He will always be our safe place in any storm that comes our way.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a cup: a cup of dependence

a cup:  a cup of dependence by ric Gustafson

Sometimes I feel like I want to be in charge of my life. I want to be my own pilot. I don't need God as my co pilot.  I want to be the boss of my own life. When I feel that way, the same thing happens. I end up feeling frustrated, angry and weary.
Life is so much better with Jesus as my co pilot. My life is so much better with Jesus in my life.
Praise God.

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Mary the mother of Jesus

people in the Bible:  Mary the mother of Jesus by ric Gustafson

Mary was a young virgin and was engaged to a carpenter named Joseph. One day, an angel named Gabriel came to her. He told her that she would bear a child. But it would not be by Joseph. This baby would be the Son of the highest and the Messiah. This baby would be the Savior of all mankind. The favor from God was a gift of God's grace. Mary was a special young lady. But she was not sinless. God honored her to be the mother of the one who would save the world. When we honor Mary, we worship Jesus. Our worship must be directed toward God always.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the crisis manager

Jesus the one and only:  the crisis manager by ric Gustafson

A crisis at a wedding was Jesus's first public miracle. Jesus and his disciples were attending a wedding. The host ran out of wine. Jesus's mother asked her Son for help. He transformed six large jars of water into wine.
There are times when we are running on empty. When we feel empty we can turn to Jesus. We can talk to Jesus about our problems. We can trust Jesus to take care of our problems. When we obey Jesus, great blessings will come our way.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a cup: a cup of abundance

a cup:  a cup of abundance by ric Gustafson

I can't help it I want more things, more success, more influence the list goes on and on. Myself and the world thrive on having more. I thought that more determined my value in other's eyes.
But more is not what God wants from his believers. More is what Satan wants not God. I need Jesus every day and in every way. I want my heart to be filled with Jesus.
Praise God.

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Martha

people in the Bible:  Martha by ric Gustafson

Martha lived in Bethany. She along with a sister and brother were friends of Jesus. She was always busy trying to serve Jesus that she lost focus on him. She knew about serving but not about intimacy with Jesus. Jesus knew her heart for preparing and serving. Jesus reminded her about her priorities. We need to focus on being intimate with Jesus. We need to focus on spending quality time with the one who loves us more than anything else.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

a cup: a cup olf significance

a cup:  a cup of significance by ric Gustafson

I do not want to be ordinary. I want to be extraordinary. I thought that ambition was an indication of emotional health. To be extraordinary takes a lot of energy and consumes all of one's joy and peace. When we spend all of our time trying to maintain a spiritual reputation, we miss Jesus. Jesus wants us to be ordinary and to love him at all times.  Praise God

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Mark

people in the Bible:  Mark by ric Gustafson

John Mark was a young man who followed Barnabas, Peter and Paul. He followed Barnabas and Paul to Cyprus and then Asia Minor. Something happened and then John Mark went home. Paul refused to take him on his next missionary journey. Ten years later, Paul has John Mark come back to help him along with Timothy.
Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 7, 2017

a cup: a cup of grace

a cup:  a cup of grace by ric Gustafson

Sometimes I think to myself that I cannot live the Christian life. I have tried and tried. There are times when I have not loved God with all my heart, soul and mind. Sometimes I have not loved my neighbor as myself. Sometimes the way I feel has stood in the way of true communion with God.
Praise be to God who has freed me from these negative feelings. I ask the Holy Spirit to show me my weaknesses, my sin and my need. Then my heart can show gratitude that Jesus lives through me.
Praise God/

research help: ' 101 cups of water' by C.D. Baker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Malachi

people in the Bible:  Malachi by ric Gustafson

Malachi was an Old Testament prophet. He is also the author of a book in the Bible bearing his name. He was concerned about people robbing God. According to Malachi 3:8, the prophet asks will a man rob God?. People respond to that by asking how have we done that to God. The prophet replies by saying that we rob God through our tithes and offerings.
Are we robbing God?. If we neglect our tithes and offerings, are we robbing God?. God wants us to be a cheerful giver. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 6, 2017

people in the Bible: Lydia

people in the Bible:  Lydia by ric Gustafson

When Paul reached Philippi, he met Lydia. She was not Jewish but believed in God. She is believed to be the first convert in Europe thanks to Paul. She chose Jesus Christ through baptism. She opened her home to Paul. God blessed her and she became a blessing to others. Praise God/

research help:  ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Big Picture: God leading you

the Big Picture:  God leading you by ric Gustafson

According to John 10:10, God wants us to have an abundant life without want, darkness, fear, worry, doubt or hate. This freedom comes from being with God. We need to abide with God every day of our life. Jesus tells us that he will be with us until the end of the age. Jesus is always with us. We do not need to beg for his presence because he is already there. When we abide in God, our life takes on a new meaning and purpose. God gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us and to help us. Belief is not the same as worship. Worship involves the act of surrender. Worship requires appreciation and adoration. In the life of faith, affection is natural. When we become one of Jesus's, we become one of his disciples.  Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The Big Picture' by Hayley and Michael Dimarco

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 3, 2017

the return of the Shootist page 2

the return of the Shootist page 2 by ric Gustafson

Mr Dobkins smiled. " So what's your name kid?".
" It's not kid". He grinned. " It's Gillom Rogers".
" Fine". He noticed the pistols. " Gillom, you better hide those Remingtons".
Gillom slid the pistols under the waistband of his woolen trousers.
Dobkins took out a notebook and a pencil from a coat pocket. " So J B Books asked you to summon those three men to the Connie".
" That's right".
" So what were the names of the three gunslingers?".
" Jay Cobb, Jack Pulford and a Mexican nicknamed Cross Eye".
Dobkins wrote in his notebook.
" Why those three?".
" Mister Books was dying of cancer and was hoping that one of the three would save him from doing himself in".
" So Books had cancer?".
" Doc Hostetler told him that he did not have much time to live".
" So after killing all three men, he asked you to end his life".
" Yes". He grinned. " I blessed him with a bullet".
He put away his notebook. " Your story is going to be front page news tomorrow".
Gillom smiled.
" Gillom Rogers, you are going to be famous".

research help: ' The Last Shootisr' by Miles Swarthout

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

people in the Bible: Luke

people in the Bible:  Luke by ric Gustafson

There was a compassionate doctor named Luke. He came from Antioch. He was a Gentile. He was the only non Jewish author of a New Testament book. He wrote more than one fourth of the New Testament. He became a historian by interviewing eyewitnesses. He was a humble man who was deeply concerned about people. He had compassion for the sick, lonely and the forgotten. His friend Paul called him a beloved physician.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Big Picture: You with God

the Big Picture:  You with God by ric Gustafson

All of us except for Jesus has sinned. We have all fallen short. We have chosen self over others. We have shown that we desire to be like God and to rule over our own lives. Death and guilt separate us from God. We were designed in the beginning for our body to be perfect. Sin polluted that.
So why did Jesus come to earth?. He came so we could spend eternity with God. Satan tries to tell us otherwise. He tries to convince us that we are not good enough for God. But Jesus came to give us eternal life, destroy Satan and give us access to God. Jesus by dying for us on a cross gives us life, freedom, forgiveness and victory. Praise God.

research help: ' The Big Picture' by Hayley and Michael Dimarco

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

people in the Bible: Lois

people in the Bible: Lois by ric Gustafson

In the Bible, Lois was a grandmother. She was the mother of Eunice and the grandmother of Timothy. She probably became a believer when Paul visited Lystra. Lois's daughter married a Greek. He was not a believer. Lois raised Timothy to follow the Lord. Lois was a grandmother to Timothy. Grandmothers are very important in our lives. They are a blessing from God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the Shootist page 1

the return of the Shootist page 1 by ric Gustafson

Gillom Rogers waved the nickel plated Remington 44's.
" Hey kid, wait up".
The teenager turned to see a young journalist running toward him.
" Are those J B Books pistols?".
" Yes they are". His young voice hesitated. " He gave them to me right before he died".
Dan Dobkins gave him a serious stare. " So you took them off a dead man".
" I took them and did what he asked".
The star reporter for the El Paso Daily Herald noticed bystanders coming from the scene of the crime.
" Let's go over to the Gem Theatre and you can tell me the whole story".
" Ok".

research help: ' The Last Shootist' by Miles Swarthout

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Big Picture: the Holy Spirit with you

the Big Picture: the Holy Spirit with you by ric Gustafson

The Holy Spirit is closer to us than anything or anyone in the universe. We are not fully aware of his nature or presence. When we become a believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us. The Holy Spirit is a testament to God's presence in our life. The Holy Spirit was the energy of creation and did the work of God on this earth. The Holy Spirit is eternal as is the Father and Son. The Holy Spirit is our instant access to God the Father. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God, the voice of God and the power of God in our lives. The Holy Spirit teaches us to become more like Jesus.

research help: ' The Big Picture' by Hayley and Michael Dimarco

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

4343 Tulip Lane page 4

4343 Tulip Lane page 4 by ric Gustafson

Roger was biking home on Tulip Lane when he passed 4343. He noticed a sign saying ' Open House'. He got off his bike, locked it and walked through the open front door. The front foyer was decked out in white and red balloons.
" Hello Roger".
He turned to see a young dark bearded man behind the front counter. He smiled. " I've been waiting for you".
Roger stared at the young man. " How did you know I was coming?".
The young man pointed around. " Welcome to my house Roger".
" How did you know my name is Roger?".
" I've been waiting for you". He opened a white ledger. " See your room is ready".
" My room?".
Jesus smiled. " I've been preparing a room  for you for a long time now".
" You have?".
" Would you like to see it?".
Roger thought about his wife and his life. " Sure".
Jesus and Roger walked upstairs.

The End

research help: ' The Day Jesus Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric