Monday, January 4, 2016

walking the narrow path: to be a servant

walking the narrow path: to be a servant by ric Gustafson

The men who followed Jesus according to I Corinthians 4:1 now considered themselves servants of Jesus. In the time of Jesus, a servant had a master and acted in response to their wishes and directives. Instead of their own glory, the apostles only now wanted to serve Jesus. To please God as servants we trust him to direct our work and also to judge it. The apostles faced death for Jesus by having great faith. To be a servant of God we need to abandon earthly rewards.
God rewards faithful servants. We will face hardships and humiliations in this life. Like Paul, at the end of our journey here on this earth we can say that we kept the faith and finished well.

The End

research help: In Touch June 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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