Friday, January 22, 2016

the Spiritual Civil War page 1

the Spiritual Civil War page 1 by ric Gustafson

Recruit Arnold Ferguson walked up to the information desk. He stopped in front of a young woman holding a clipboard. She did not look up. " Name".
" Recruit Arnold Ferguson". His voice hesitated. " Fireside Vermont".
She did not look up. " Badge number".
Arnold looked at his badge. " 3427".
She wrote it down and then stamped the paper. She handed it to Arnold. " Take any open seat in the briefing room". She grinned. " The CIC will be in shortly".
Arnold entered the large classroom and sat down in an open chair. Two days ago, he gave his life to Jesus Christ. A day later, he received a card inviting him to the briefing.
Fifteen minutes later, a young man walked in. " Recruits, please stand for the CIC". An old man wearing a white suit walked in.
" Please sit down". He walked over to a nearby podium. " First of all, thank you for making the most important decision of your life". He smiled. " As new spiritual recruits, we invited you to this briefing to tell you a few things". He took a sip of bottled water. " Are there any questions so far?".
A young recruit stood up. " Yes, I have a question". He hesitated. " Your invitation mentioned something about a Spiritual Civil War". He gave the CIC a puzzled look. " Sir, what exactly is a Spiritual Civil War?".
" Good question recruit". God walked over to a large chalkboard and picked up a big piece of white chalk. " Again thank you for becoming followers of mine". At the top of the board he wrote out ' the Spiritual Civil War'. " And now that you are a follower of mine". He gave them a concerned stare. " You will encounter what I call the Spiritual Civil War".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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