Monday, January 18, 2016

Heaven Bound Airlines

Heaven Bound Airlines by ric Gustafson

Charlie woke up, opened his eyes and tried to focus on his surroundings.
" Charlie".
He turned his head and noticed a stewardess staring at him.
She smiled at him. " Charlie".
" Yes" he replied as he looked around. It appeared that he was on an airplane.
" Charlie, can I get you anything?".
" How do you know my name?".
She smiled again. " I know everybody on this flight".
He noticed her nametag. " Where am I Angeline?".
" You are on Heaven Bound Airlines". Her voice hesitated. " We are heading home".
She put a pillow behind his tired head.
" Where is home?".
" Heaven of course". She looked around the full cabin. " Everyone on this flight is going to the same destination".
" Who are these other people?".
" Christians like yourself going home".
Charlie remembered that right before he woke up on the plane, he was in a hospital bed surrounded by family.
She put his seat tray down and put some orange juice and pretzels on it. " I thought you might want a little snack before our plane lands".
" Thank you". Charlie looked around the cabin and noticed that everyone was happy to be on the flight.
When he was done, she threw away his trash and closed his tray.
Charlie closed his eyes.
Later, she shook his shoulder. " Charlie, the plane is landing".
" Thank you Angeline".
" You are welcome Charlie".
Charlie and the other passengers left the plane with smiles on their faces.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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