Saturday, January 9, 2016

Giving Thanks: are we ready to listen?

Giving Thanks: are we ready to listen? by ric Gustafson

Is our spiritual life empty and dry?. Living in this sin filled world sometimes leaves us with a dulling sense. Sometimes we seek other things and pleasures instead of Jesus. This could rob us of the joy and satisfaction of a close relationship with Jesus.
So how do we have a new encounter with Jesus?. First, the encounter will be unexpected. Second, it will initiated by Jesus. When we do encounter Jesus, certain things will happen. We will be aware of his presence, We will be aware of his holiness. We will be aware of his forgiveness. Jesus will call us to action.
How do we prepare for this encounter?. We need to spend time each day studying his Word and praying. Then when that encounter happens, we can say with boldness ' here I am send me'.

research help: In Touch January 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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