Monday, January 18, 2016

Titanic 2016 page 4

Titanic 2016 page 4 by ric Gustafson

It was 11:40 pm Sunday night April 14 1912. The Titanic had entered 41.46 north latitude and 50.14 west longitude. According to survivors, the sea was placid, the night was clear and stars were visible. Some of the passengers were already asleep and some had retired for the night because of the frigid temperature outside.
There were passengers at that late hour still enjoying the saloons and smoking rooms. Pierre Marechal, Lucien Smith, Paul Chevre and A F Ormont were in the Café Parisien playing bridge. They heard the vibration and went out on deck. They looked over the rail and then returned to their game. They did not realize that the bow of the huge liner was already going down into the black water. Colonel Astor and his wife were in their room and saw the ice go by. Leisurely, they dressed and then came out on deck. William Stead who was a London journalist came out on deck and wondered what was going on. Someone told him it was not serious so he went back to his cabin.
Fear and panic started when passengers were told to put on life preservers and come up to the deck. Husbands looked for wives and children. People who were asleep woke up, hastily put on some clothes and then rushed up to the deck.
On the steerage deck below, confusion was the norm. Officers told men to stand in the back and women and children to the front.
On the top deck, confusion prevailed. Only when the canvas covers came off the life boats did panic and worry get worse.

research help: ' On Board the Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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