Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Titanic 2016 page 5

Titanic 2016 page 5 by ric Gustafson

On the Boat Deck, women and children were hesitant to get on the swinging life boats. Some people thought that the problems with the ship would be short lived. John Jacob Astor and his wife refused to get on the first life boat. The life boats on the port side of the ship hit the water without capsizing. Four life boats including one of the collapsible ones were capsized.
The order went out all men stand back and women gather in the smoking room on B deck. The boats were lowered to B deck and the women and children got on. When the boat was filled, it was slowly lowered to the dark water below. Somehow Bruce Ismay got into a life boat and survived.
Heart breaking scenes were beginning to happen. Fathers were saying goodbye to their children. Men were kissing their wives goodbye. They were telling them that they would join them shortly. Some men tried to get on the life boats but were pulled back. An engineer and some stokers rushed up to the deck and tried to get into a life boat.
Mr and Mrs Isidor Straus decided to stay on the deck together. Three steerage passengers were shot for trying to get onto a life boat. K Whiteman, who was the Titanic's barber, was blown off the liner by one of the explosions. He was rescued in the water by a life boat. Some men jumped into the water when the ship began to settle to starboard.
Hundreds of men were still on deck heeding to the order women and children first.

research help: ' On Board The Titanic' by Dover Publications.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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