Saturday, May 23, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 2

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into the One World auditorium and found an open seat in the third row. His mother had spent the last hour trying to convince him not to attend the rally. He came anyway and looked forward to listening to his master. After awhile, one of Mr Simpato's assistants walked up to a podium. " Please rise for your Execellency Carlo Simpato".
Carlo, wearing a dark blue suit, slowly walked up to the wooden podium. He took a sip of bottled water that was near the podium. " Brothers and Sisters of the One World community". He smiled at the audience. " It is with a troubled heart  that I come before you after this horrible act of nature".
" Please save us" chanted Rory and the huge crowd.
" Already we are in the process of rebuilding and our Global Community will be stronger than before". He took another sip of water. " I have been hearing from different sources that this global earthquake  is part of a so called wrath of the Lamb". He wiped the sweat from his brow. " I cannot believe that this so called God who is all loving could send this disaster".
" We love you" yelled the growing crowd.
Carlo raised his hand to quiet them. " Let us unite and come together to unify our Global Community".
Rory and the rest of the crowd stood and applauded as Carlo stepped away from the podium.

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' from Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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