Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Night To Remember page 3

A Night To Remember page 3 by ric Gustafson

The sound felt different to everyone who heard and felt it. To Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen, it felt like a heavy wave hitting the ship. To Mrs J Stuart White it felt as if the ship had rolled over a thousand marbles. To Lady Cosmo Duff Gordon, it felt as if somebody had a drawn a giant finger  along the side of the ship.
To J Bruce Ismay who was the Managing Director of the White Star Line, it felt like more than just a slight jar. Mr and Mrs George Harder in cabin E-50 felt a dull thump. Then they felt the ship quiver and then a scraping noise along the ship's side. Mr Harder got out of bed and ran to their porthole. As he looked through the glass, he noticed a wall of ice go by. The porthole for James McGough's room was open and as the iceberg went by, chunks of ice fell into his cabin.
Most of the people still up at that late hour were those in the First Class smoking room on A Deck. This group included Archie Butt who was President Taft's military aide, Clarence Moore, William Carter and Harry Widener who was the son of a Philadelphia streetcar magnate. They heard a grinding noise. Two people ran out to see an iceberg scraping along the starboard side a little higher than the Boat Deck. As the men went back inside, they heard the engines stop.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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