Monday, May 4, 2015

the end of days: rapture page 4

the end of days: rapture page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into his mother's hospital room. She was sitting up in the bed. " Good morning Mother". He smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. " How are you feeling?".
" Better". She bit into a slice of white toast that was on her tray. " My headache and the throbbing are gone".
" Guess who's room is just two doors down?".
" Who?".
He turned on the TV with the remote. " My new boss Jim Harris and his wife".
" Why are they here?".
" Their son vanished yesterday" he said in a hushed voice. " Just like my Father did".
As Emily kept eating, they watched the chaos that was unfolding around the world.
" Rory, I don't know understand what you see in that Carlo Simpato".
" He's trying to keep the world together after what happened yesterday".
" Son, our bible study group has been studying the book of Revelation".
He looked at his Mother with anger in his eyes. " So".
" I believe that what happened yesterday was predicted in the Bible as the Rapture".
" I don't want to hear about it" Rory yelled and banged a fist on a table. " How could a loving God take my Father away like that".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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