Friday, May 1, 2015

the end of days: rapture page 3

the end of days: rapture page 3 by ric Gustafson

Emily Johnston opened her eyes and quickly glanced around the room. She noticed her son Rory sitting next to her. She tried to raise her head but couldn't because of the throbbing.
" Mom, it's me Rory".
" Did you get my phone call?". They heard a knock on the door. " What happened?".
" Don't try to move". They heard the knock again. " You had a slight concussion".
" Where's Ross?".
" Come in".
A police officer walked in. " Sorry to bother you Mrs Johnston". He shook Rory's hand. " I'm Officer Carlson of the Copper Creek Police Department".
Emily stared at her son. " Rory, where's Ross?".
" Anytime there is an accident, I have to try and ask a few questions".
Emily tried to raise her head. " Rory, what happened to Ross?".
Rory looked at his mother. " Mom, there was an accident".
" Mrs Johnston, do you remember where you were before the accident?".
She thought for a moment. " My husband Ross and I had started on a trip to California to celebrate his retirement".
" Then what happened?".
" Then I saw our van heading for a road barrier".
" Then what happened?".
" I turned and screamed at Ross".
" What did your husband do then?".
She stared at her son and then the Officer. " You wouldn't believe me if I told you".
" What's that Mrs Johnston?".
" I glanced over and only saw my husband's clothes lying in the driver's seat". She looked at Rory. " Your father was not driving the van".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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