Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Night To Remember page 2

A Night To Remember page 2 by ric Gustafson

At first what Fleet saw was small about the size of two tables put together. After every passing second, it grew larger and larger. Fleet immediately banged the crow's nest bell three times. Then, he picked up the phone and rang the bridge.
There was a calm voice on the other end. " What did you see?".
Fleet replied quickly. " Iceberg right ahead".
" Thank you".
For 37 seconds, Fleet and Lee watched quietly as the ice drew near. Both men braced themselves for a crash. Then the bow began to swing to port. At the last second, the ice glided swiftly along the starboard side. Fleet knew it was a close shave.
At that moment, Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe was standing watch on the after bridge. He noticed an iceberg towering perhaps 100 feet above the water drifting astern into the dark.
In the dark of the night, the iceberg had come and gone very quickly and barely noticed.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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