Thursday, May 21, 2015

the end of days: Carlo page 5

the end of days: Carlo page 5 by ric Gustafson

It was late afternoon and Rory yawned as he stopped at a red light. He was heading back to the office after an afternoon meeting. He was tired. The previous night, his mother was telling him to be careful about his new boss and master. She was also worried that he was a so called Antichrist. He shrugged off the notion that Mr Simpato was trying to hurt the world. Rory believed that the opposite was true.
He stared at the moon that had come into his view. He wondered why it looked red. As he drove, he heard a small piece of concrete hit the hood. " What in the world" he muttered as a bigger chunk hit the roof of the car.
He looked in horror as office buildings began to sway and shake. Pieces of the buildings began to shatter to the ground. The earth began to shake and a long fissue began to form in front of Rory's car. He stomped on the brakes but the car went head first into the fissue. He kicked at the driver door until it opened. He crawled to the top of the fissue.
Rory ran amid falling concrete to a wall of a nearby office building. He was scared and did not know what was going on. A flaming rock came down from the sky and hit the ground near his feet. He looked up and cursed God. " Carlo, please save me".
Eventually, the destruction stopped and the late afternoon sun came back out.

The End

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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