Wednesday, May 20, 2015

the end of days: Carlo page 4

the end of days: Carlo page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into the small apartment and saw his mother putting a plate of roast on the table. " Hello Mother". He gave her a peck on the cheek.
" Hi Rory" she replied as she turned on the TV and sat down. " Dinner is ready".
He dished out some roast, vegetables and potatoes onto their plates. " How was bible study earlier today?".
" Fine, we were studying Revelation 6 and the wrath of the Lamb".
" The wrath of the lamb?".
She watched the TV as they ate. " Rory, why do you follow that madman?".
He took a bite of the roast. " Mother, he's trying to save the One World from destruction".
" Our bible study group has been studying Revelation and the Antichrist".
" The Antichrist?".
She gave her son a worried look. " I worry that this Simpato you follow is this Antichrist".
He took a sip of water. " Mother, how can someone who's trying to save the world  from destruction be an Antichrist".
" Mother, I need to get back to the office to finish up some work".
" Rory, promise me you will think about what I said".
" I promise".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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