Sunday, May 31, 2015

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 1

Matthew 20: 1-16 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Diane Snyder yawned as she unlocked the door. She turned on the main lights and then sat down at her desk. She enjoyed working at the temp agency but sometimes it was very hectic. She noticed that her supervisor's office light was on and that she was talking to someone. She prepared the office coffee pot and turned on the machine.
Her supervisor and a client were talking. She prepared the coffee pot and turned on the machine. Her supervisor and a client walked out of the office. He walked out.
" Morning Diane" Doreen Greene said as she walked toward her desk. " That was Mr Rogness and he is a big landowner here in town". She smiled. " He has a one day project ending at 6 tonight and needs a lot of workers". She thought for a moment. " Oh, he has agreed to pay $ 240 for a days work".
Just then, two of their early morning workers came in.
" Morning Diane" Bobby Long said as he stopped at her desk. " John and I were wondering if you had any day jobs today".
" Actually I do". She handed him an explanation sheet. " It's a one day outside labor job and the client is paying $ 20 an hour".
Bobby smiled at his friend. " Great, we'll take it".
" There will be a van shortly to transport everyone to the job site".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 29, 2015

Mark 4: 21-23 page 3

Mark 4: 21-23 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Elaine Marshall brought the white box into the kitchen and put it on top of the countertop.
" What's in the box?" Milton Marshall asked as he chewed on a tuna salad sandwich.
" A lamp I bought at the store". She lifted it out of the box and put it on the living room table.
He walked in and stared at what she had just bought. " That's an ugly lamp Elaine".
" I realize it is plain and faded". She picked it up. " But I like it".
One day, she came home and noticed that the lamp was missing. " Milton, what happened to the lamp?".
He gave her a guilty look. " I couldn't stand staring at that ugly lamp so I hid it under the bed".
She got the lamp from under the bed and put it back on the living room table. " Give it a month and see if your attitude about it changes".
As each day passed, he began to notice that the faded and plain green lamp complemented the table and the room.
That small faded green lamp became a part of that room and their lives.

The End

research help: Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Night To Remember page 4

A Night To Remember page 4 by ric Gustafson

On the bridge of the Titanic, First Officer William M Murdoch had pulled the engine room telegraph handle to ' Stop'. After Fleet phoned his warning, Murdoch gave Quartermaster Hitchens an order to turn the wheel hard a starboard. Then the telegraph was quickly changed to full speed astern. Then the watertight doors were quickly closed. Then 37 seconds of waiting.
All of a sudden, Captain Smith rushed in. " Mr Murdoch, what was that?".
" An iceberg sir". He stared at the Captain. " I hard a starboarded, reversed the engines but it was too close to do any more".
Captain Smith thought for a second. " Close the emergency doors".
" Sir, the doors are already closed".
In boiler room no. 6, Fireman Fred Barrett and Second Engineer James Hesketh heard the warning bell and then saw sea water rushing in from above pipes and valves. They made it through the watertight door before it closed. In boiler room no.5, a gash about two feet beyond the closed watertight door was forcing seawater through the hole.
About ten miles away, Third Officer Charles Victor Groves was watching the lights of another ship. From the bridge of the liner Californian at 11:10 pm, he could see the lights of this ship on their starboard side. At 11:30, he woke up Captain Stanley Lord about the lights of another ship. At 11:40, he was just about to use their Morse lamp when he noticed the ship suddenly stop and put out most of it's lights. He did not know that the ship he was observing was no longer broadside but had veered sharply to port.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Night To Remember page 3

A Night To Remember page 3 by ric Gustafson

The sound felt different to everyone who heard and felt it. To Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen, it felt like a heavy wave hitting the ship. To Mrs J Stuart White it felt as if the ship had rolled over a thousand marbles. To Lady Cosmo Duff Gordon, it felt as if somebody had a drawn a giant finger  along the side of the ship.
To J Bruce Ismay who was the Managing Director of the White Star Line, it felt like more than just a slight jar. Mr and Mrs George Harder in cabin E-50 felt a dull thump. Then they felt the ship quiver and then a scraping noise along the ship's side. Mr Harder got out of bed and ran to their porthole. As he looked through the glass, he noticed a wall of ice go by. The porthole for James McGough's room was open and as the iceberg went by, chunks of ice fell into his cabin.
Most of the people still up at that late hour were those in the First Class smoking room on A Deck. This group included Archie Butt who was President Taft's military aide, Clarence Moore, William Carter and Harry Widener who was the son of a Philadelphia streetcar magnate. They heard a grinding noise. Two people ran out to see an iceberg scraping along the starboard side a little higher than the Boat Deck. As the men went back inside, they heard the engines stop.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mark 4: 21-23 page 2

Mark 4: 21-23 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Mary was dusting the display shelf. She noticed a middle aged woman quietly walk into the aisle. She began to study the lamps.
" May I help you?".
" I'm looking for a lamp" she replied as she stared at the lamps. " So far none of these interest me".
" We have several beautiful lamps". She resumed dusting them. " I'm sure you'll find one that you'll like".
Elaine Marshall knelt down and began to separate some of the lamps. She took out the faded green lamp and handed it to Mary. " This small lamp has caught my eye".
" You don't want this plain little lamp" Mary replied as she tried to change her mind. " We have many beautiful lamps".
" I'll take this one" she said as she held up the small lamp. " I also want a plain lamp shade".
Mary handed her a lampshade. She smiled as she began walking toward a check out stand.
Mary shook her head in frustration. She went back to her dusting duties.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mark 4: 21-23 page 1

Mark 4: 21-23 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Mary Mikon yawned and then adjusted her nametag. The new store was a bustle of activity as the new employees began to set up their aisles. The World of Lamps was having her grand opening tomorrow and Mary had to get her aisle organized and set up.
She began to take out lamp shades out of a box and organize them on a shelf. The lamps that she had to display were of all different designs and colors. The lamp shades were also different designs.
As she organized the aisle, she heard a noise behind her.
" How is it going Mary?".
" Fine so far". She grinned at her new supervisor. " The aisle will be finished by the time I leave".
" Great". Judith smiled back. " Our grand opening is tomorrow".
As she organized the lamps on the shelf, one small one caught her eye. It looked very plain and had a faded green color. It stood out among all the beautiful lamps. She picked it up and put it in the back of the shelf behind the others.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

A Night To Remember page 2

A Night To Remember page 2 by ric Gustafson

At first what Fleet saw was small about the size of two tables put together. After every passing second, it grew larger and larger. Fleet immediately banged the crow's nest bell three times. Then, he picked up the phone and rang the bridge.
There was a calm voice on the other end. " What did you see?".
Fleet replied quickly. " Iceberg right ahead".
" Thank you".
For 37 seconds, Fleet and Lee watched quietly as the ice drew near. Both men braced themselves for a crash. Then the bow began to swing to port. At the last second, the ice glided swiftly along the starboard side. Fleet knew it was a close shave.
At that moment, Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe was standing watch on the after bridge. He noticed an iceberg towering perhaps 100 feet above the water drifting astern into the dark.
In the dark of the night, the iceberg had come and gone very quickly and barely noticed.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Night To Remember page 1

A Night To Remember page 1 by ric Gustafson

In the crow's nest of the White Star liner Titanic, Lookout Frederick Fleet was peering into the night. The night was calm, clear and bitterly cold. On this night there was no moon but the cloudless sky was filled with stars. This evening the water of the Atlantic was as smooth as glass.
Tonight was the fifth night of the huge liner's maiden voyage to New York. The Titanic was not only the largest but was also the most glamorous ship in the world.
Frederick Fleet was one of six lookouts on board and they were the eyes of the huge ship. Tonight he had been warned to watch for icebergs. At 10:00, he and Lookout Reginald Lee were staring out into the darkness.
At about 11:40 pm on Sunday April 14 1912, Fleet noticed something directly ahead.

research help: ' A Night To Remember' by Walter Lord

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 24, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 3

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory knocked on the heavy steel door.
" Come in".
He walked in and noticed several people working around cellular equipment. " Hello Rory" Carlo exclaimed as he shook the young man's hand. " I hope your mother is ok".
" She's fine Sir". He noticed all the activity going on. " What's going on?".
" Rory, this earthquake will make One World even stronger" he said with a wide grin. " One World Cellular is going to network the entire world within weeks". Carlo walked over to a huge map of One World. " We have people all over One World rebuilding roads, airstrips and cities. He pointed a finger at the map. " Do you know what that means Rory?".
" What's that Sir?".
" This earthquake from so called God will not defeat us".

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Christ Revealed: Jesus's power shines forth

Christ Revealed: Jesus's power shines forth by ric Gustafson

As God's people we have wonderful privileges. We need to praise God and get filled with the Holy Ghost. Jesus needs to be first, last and all the time in our lives. We need to hold up Jesus and praise his name. When we expect Jesus, miracles happen.
Matthew 11:4 says go and tell John what you hear and see

research help: ' Revealing Christ' by Charisma House

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 2

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into the One World auditorium and found an open seat in the third row. His mother had spent the last hour trying to convince him not to attend the rally. He came anyway and looked forward to listening to his master. After awhile, one of Mr Simpato's assistants walked up to a podium. " Please rise for your Execellency Carlo Simpato".
Carlo, wearing a dark blue suit, slowly walked up to the wooden podium. He took a sip of bottled water that was near the podium. " Brothers and Sisters of the One World community". He smiled at the audience. " It is with a troubled heart  that I come before you after this horrible act of nature".
" Please save us" chanted Rory and the huge crowd.
" Already we are in the process of rebuilding and our Global Community will be stronger than before". He took another sip of water. " I have been hearing from different sources that this global earthquake  is part of a so called wrath of the Lamb". He wiped the sweat from his brow. " I cannot believe that this so called God who is all loving could send this disaster".
" We love you" yelled the growing crowd.
Carlo raised his hand to quiet them. " Let us unite and come together to unify our Global Community".
Rory and the rest of the crowd stood and applauded as Carlo stepped away from the podium.

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' from Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 22, 2015

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory ran into the collapsed hallway and slowly made his way toward his mother's apartment. He noticed that the front door to apartment 15 was ajar.
" Mother" he said loudly. He quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The small apartment was a shambles with concrete littering the floor. " Mother, where are you?".
" Rory, I'm in here".
He opened the closet door to reveal his terrified mother.
" Oh Rory" she exclaimed as she hugged her son. " I told you the wrath of the Lamb was coming".
" Mother, this was not the wrath of Jesus". He hugged his mother tighter. " This was just a natural thing of nature that happened".
" Rory, this was the wrath of the Lamb".
" Mother, this was not caused by the God you believe in".
She shook her head. " My son, I worry about your eternal destination".
" Mother don't worry about me". He grinned. " Carlo will protect me".

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Christ Revealed: the power of Jesus

Christ Revealed: the power of Jesus by ric Gustafson

Somebody who is in Christ has the greatest power in the world. The power of Satan is less than God's. When God is in us, we are greater than Satan. Followers of Jesus have dominion and a place of authority. Jesus was the humblest of all men. God is the greatest servant of all. God provides the needs for all mankind. God is the greatest of all servants.
I pray that Jesus will grant me the strength and courage to walk in his power.

research help: ' Revealing Christ' by Charisma House

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 5

the end of days: Carlo page 5 by ric Gustafson

It was late afternoon and Rory yawned as he stopped at a red light. He was heading back to the office after an afternoon meeting. He was tired. The previous night, his mother was telling him to be careful about his new boss and master. She was also worried that he was a so called Antichrist. He shrugged off the notion that Mr Simpato was trying to hurt the world. Rory believed that the opposite was true.
He stared at the moon that had come into his view. He wondered why it looked red. As he drove, he heard a small piece of concrete hit the hood. " What in the world" he muttered as a bigger chunk hit the roof of the car.
He looked in horror as office buildings began to sway and shake. Pieces of the buildings began to shatter to the ground. The earth began to shake and a long fissue began to form in front of Rory's car. He stomped on the brakes but the car went head first into the fissue. He kicked at the driver door until it opened. He crawled to the top of the fissue.
Rory ran amid falling concrete to a wall of a nearby office building. He was scared and did not know what was going on. A flaming rock came down from the sky and hit the ground near his feet. He looked up and cursed God. " Carlo, please save me".
Eventually, the destruction stopped and the late afternoon sun came back out.

The End

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Christ Revealed: a radiated Jesus

Christ Revealed: a radiated Jesus by ric Gustafson

Satan is real and evil is real. He was a real angel until pride changed his nature. God is real and he can change our hearts. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of dominion. God can make us new creations in Jesus and new creatures.
God wants us to come to him, stay and live in him. God wants his Spirit to radiate from us. James 4:7 says resist the devil and he will flee from you.
My prayer is that Jesus will radiate through me.

research help: ' Revealing Christ' by Charisma House

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 4

the end of days: Carlo page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into the small apartment and saw his mother putting a plate of roast on the table. " Hello Mother". He gave her a peck on the cheek.
" Hi Rory" she replied as she turned on the TV and sat down. " Dinner is ready".
He dished out some roast, vegetables and potatoes onto their plates. " How was bible study earlier today?".
" Fine, we were studying Revelation 6 and the wrath of the Lamb".
" The wrath of the lamb?".
She watched the TV as they ate. " Rory, why do you follow that madman?".
He took a bite of the roast. " Mother, he's trying to save the One World from destruction".
" Our bible study group has been studying Revelation and the Antichrist".
" The Antichrist?".
She gave her son a worried look. " I worry that this Simpato you follow is this Antichrist".
He took a sip of water. " Mother, how can someone who's trying to save the world  from destruction be an Antichrist".
" Mother, I need to get back to the office to finish up some work".
" Rory, promise me you will think about what I said".
" I promise".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Christ Revealed: having a clean heart

Christ Revealed: having a clean heart by ric Gustafson

Jesus had a clean heart. Jesus is filled with wisdom and favor with God. Jesus needed the Holy Ghost to empower him for his ministry and his miracles. We as God's children need a Holy Ghost baptism and fire upon our souls.
Jesus was conceived by the Spirit, descended upon by the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, empowered by the Spirit, anointed by the Spirit and filled with the Spirit's joy.
I pray that Jesus will give me a clean heart by his fire and that I may receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

research help: ' Revealing Christ' by Charisma House

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 3

the end of days: Carlo page 3 by ric Gustafson

Carlo watched as some of his followers slowly approached the fence.
" And it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh".
" We all know that you are quoting from Acts" Carlo said loudly as he walked toward the fence. " What you are saying is nothing new".
" Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy".
He stared at his followers. " Are you believing these two?".
" Your young men shall see visions".
Carlo gave the two a stern look. " Stop scaring my followers or you'll be sorry".
" Your old men shall dream dreams".
He again stared at his followers. " Are you going to listen to me or these two?".
" You Carlo" his followers yelled back.
" I will show signs in the earth beneath blood, fire and vapor of smoke".
" I have had enough of you two" Carlo exclaimed as he began to walk away.
One of the two pointed a bony finger at Carlo. " The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon into blood".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 18, 2015

Christ Revealed: a trusting faith

Christ Revealed: a trusting faith by ric Gustafson

II Corinthians 3: 4-5 says to have trust through Christ toward God. Jesus wants us to trust him instead of ourselves. We need to trust God and then he will give us the victory. Jesus promises to be with us at all times, to make our path straight and to make a way.
Everything in our life is a life preserver. Everything is as dust to dust. Jesus is our lifesaver and only Jesus has the power to save.

research help: ' Revealing Christ' by Charisma House

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 2

the end of days: Carlo page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory was sitting in the new One World auditorium listening to his leader when his cell phone rang. " Hello".
" I want to thank everyone who has helped the One World to become a one currency society".
" Hi Mom".
" I will be initiating a tax on all electronic money transfers which will help fill our financial coffers".
" Yes, I will visit you after the conference is over".
" I'm here to tell you that I have ambitious plans for the One World global community".
" Please tell us" yelled the crowd.
" Bye Mom". He closed the phone and put it back into his pant pocket.
" My plan is that eventually all commerce, industry and all media will be under One World control".
" We love you" chanted the crowd.
" I will take care of you forever". Carlo stretched out his arms in love. " You do believe that don't you".
" Yes, we love you" the crowd cried as they began to dance with joy in the aisles.
Rory smiled at Carlo. " I love you".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 15, 2015

the end of days: Carlo page 1

the end of days: Carlo page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory sat in the audience as his leader slowly walked up four wooden steps to the podium. He took a sip of bottled water. " Citizens of the One World community" he said with a long sigh. " With a heavy heart, I bring you news of a plot to overthrow me".
" No" yelled the crowd.
Carlo raised a hand to silence the crowd. " I am a man of peace but I cannot let this rebellion continue".
Rory smiled in agreement.
" Exactly four hours ago, major cities in the US and all over the world were decimated by nuclear bombs".
Rory knew the bank supplied the funding for those bombs.
" I plan no more attacks unless I need to". He slammed a fist on the podium. " But if I am provoked I will not hesitate to use force".
The crowd stood and cheered for their leader.
" Thank you for your support and approval". Smiling, he stepped down and began to shake hands.
Rory's admiration for his new leader just grew.

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Crazy Horse page 2

Crazy Horse page 2 by ric Gustafson

Crazy Horse, who was a great warrior of the Oglala Sioux, was born on Rapid Creek in the Dakota Territory in 1842. He died in 1877 after being stabbed by a bayonet while struggling with Indian police. Why did he want to peacefully surrender?.
In the battle at Little Big Horn, a battalion of soldiers under Custer was wiped out by the Sioux. Crazy Horse and the Oglalas had been able to avoid roundup by the Bluecoats. Because of General Sherman's scorched earth plan, Sioux and Cheyennes were killed in masses by 1877 after twenty years of war with the United States.
The Sioux were called Dakotas, Lakotas and Nakotas. This name meant ' friends or allies'.
So who was this Crazy Horse?.

research help: ' Crazy Horse' by Harold P Howard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Crazy Horse page 1

Crazy Horse page 1 by ric Gustafson

Tashunka Witko was a slender light skinned Indian boy of twelve years old. This Indian boy nicknamed ' Curly' because his hair was not like other Indian boys. He watched as soldiers led by a Lieutenant John Grattan asked the assembled chiefs who had killed a cow owned by Mormons. Conquering Bear who was a chief of the Brule Oglala knew who had done it. He refused to turn in Straight Foretop a Minneconjou.
Grattan's soldiers on his orders shot and wounded Conquering Bear and killed a brother of the chief. Straight Foretop and others of the band went on a rampage killing Grattan and all of his men. Later, Conquering Bear died along with a wounded soldier.
Tashunka Witko who would later be called ' Crazy Horse' knew that the Sioux Indian wars had just begun.

research help: ' Crazy Horse' by Harold P Howard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 5

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 5 by ric Gustafson

Carlo walked outside and immediately saw what the trouble was. Standing next to the Wailing Wall were the two witnesses.
Carlo looked at two nearby soldiers. " Kill them".
As they advanced on the two, one of the witnesses pointed a bony finger and burned the two to ash.
Thousands of Carlo's followers stepped back to a safe distance in fear.
One of the witnesses pointed at Carlo. " Someday you will desecrate and defile this Temple".
" That is not true". He grinned at his followers. " Isn't there anyone among you who is brave enough to shoot down these two?".
The other witness pointed at Carlo. " Believers in God dwell in the Temple of the Holy Spirit not in man made Temples".
Carlo stared at his followers. " Do you want to listen to them or me?".
" You Carlo you".
One of the two witnesses pointed at Carlo's followers. " There are no Gods other than the True God".

The End

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 11, 2015

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 4

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory finished installing some software into the computer when he heard the steel door close.
" How is it going Rory?".
" Fine, Mr Simpato". He gave his new boss a tired smile. " With contributions from your faithful followers and corporate donations, I think your financial network will be just fine".
" Good". He patted Rory's shoulder. " You are doing a great job".
Rory yawned. " Thanks, I think you're new Temple Mount and your new headquarters in Babylon City will work out ok".
" Thank you Rory".
A loud voice cried out from outside. " Simpato, you defiler of the Temple".
Rory gave his new boss a startled look. " Who's that?".
" I don't know". Carlo walked toward the door. " But whoever it is they will wish they never tangled with me".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 10, 2015

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 3

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 3 by ric Gustafson

Rory sat in his office chair and stared through the dark office window. Downtown Copper Creek was quiet  at this time of night. The office was dark  and he closed his eyes  to take a quiet nap. He heard his office door open. He opened his eyes to see a tall lanky man with piercing blue eyes.
" Hello Rory" he smiled as he shook Rory's hand. " I'm sorry to bother you this late at night".
" I was just taking a little nap Mr Simpato".
" I know you're tired". He patted his shoulder. " And how is your mother doing?".
" How do you know about my mother?".
" Rory, I know a great deal about you". A shy grin came to his face. " In fact, I have a proposition for you".
" Any deal I would have to talk it over with Mr Harris".
" I understand" he said in a quiet voice. " But as of this morning when I bought your bank, you now work for me".
" I understand".
" Great". He pulled up a chair and sat down. " Now I would like to explain my plan".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Revolution: some things should never change

Revolution: some things should never change by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we need change for change's sake. Sometimes change is good and sometimes it is not. God does not want us to invent new ways to interpret his Word. God's Word has never changed and should not be fixed or changed.
II Timothy 3:17 says that the Word of God alone can make us thoroughly equipped for every good work. As far as the unchanging truth of God, we need to be faithful, diligent and obedient.
God's Word never changes and that is a relief.

The End

research help: Turning Points May 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Revolution: change makes a positive impact

Revolution: change makes a positive impact by ric Gustafson

I believe that Jesus was the greatest revolutionary of all time. He shared the Gospel with the poor, loved everyone and stood up for human rights. The word revolution means change. This sinful world needs change, transformation and revival. We need righteousness, peace and joy.
How do we change?. First, change first comes from above. Colossians 3 says that we need to set our minds on things above. Second, change must come from within. We must have a revolution of our heart. We must wake up every morning with the desire to serve Jesus. Lastly, this change must be used to help others.
Jesus wants us to go out into this sinful world and make a difference for him.

research help: Turning Points May 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 2

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory nervously drank from his water glass. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing there. Just then, he noticed a dark haired man enter the restaurant and walk up to the table. " Good evening Rory".
" Hello Mr Gambino".
A waiter walked over. " Anything to drink?".
" Just water for me". He looked at Rory. " Did Mr Harris explain why I wanted to see you in public?".
" No, not really".
" After talking to Mr Harris Rory, my boss is very interested in you".
" Me?".
He turned to the man behind the bar. " Could you please turn the TV on to the global news?".
" Sure". He turned it on.
" Rory, please watch".
" Well Rory, what do you think?".
Rory stared at the man. " I noticed two strange looking men standing by the Wailing Wall causing trouble".
" That is correct". He took a sip of water. " And it is because of them that we need your help and your bank's financial resources".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Revolution: it is always changing

Revolution: it is always changing by ric Gustafson

Has our spiritual life been refreshed lately or is it stagnant and lost it's energy?. According to Romans 8:29, God has a plan for our life. Are we as God's children growing by grace. We need to say yes to change and be led by the Holy Spirit. Are we studying the Bible, praying and witnessing. Do we help people in need?. Sometimes there is a temptation to plateau  and just get by. Have we stopped reading the Bible and set time to pray. Do we not tithe or serve Christ. It's the curse of our sinful flesh to rebel and say no.
God wants us to change, be refreshed and stay strong for him in these troubled times.

research help: Turning Points May 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 1

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 1 by ric Gustafson

Rory and his co worker Alan Saxton entered the conference room and sat down.
" Morning" Jim Harris said as he sipped coffee from a large blue mug. " Thank you for coming to this meeting on short notice".
" Why are we here Mr Harris?".
A minute later, a dark haired gentleman entered the room and put his black briefcase on top of a wooden podium. " Good morning gentlemen". He took some papers out of his briefcase. " My name is Larry Gambino and I represent the One World Financial Network". He shuffled his papers. " My boss started this financial network so that a system of banks around the world could promote peace and good will".
Rory raised his hand. " Who is your boss?".
" More than likely you've seen him a lot on TV recently". He smiled at Rory. " My boss is Carlo Simpato".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 4, 2015

the end of days: rapture page 5

the end of days: rapture page 5 by ric Gustafson

Rory yawned as he put some coins into the machine. He pushed a button and then took out the danish. He sat down and put it next to a paper cup of black coffee. He quietly ate and drank as he looked at a cafeteria TV. They were showing a replay of Carlo Simpato speaking to the UN. He noticed his new boss Jim Harris walk in.
" Sorry about your loss Rory".
" Mr Harris, I'm sorry about the loss of your son".
Jim got a cup of coffee and sat next to the young man. They both watched as Carlo Simpato tried to console the world of the sudden disappearance of millions.
" Mr Harris, I don't understand what just happened" he said as he chewed on his danish. " My Mom said it was predicted in the Bible".
" I don't know either" he replied with a long sigh. " Right now, our bank needs to help him financially to get this crazy world under control".
Rory took a sip of his coffee. " You are right".
" See you bright and early in the morning".
" Ok".

The End

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: rapture page 4

the end of days: rapture page 4 by ric Gustafson

Rory walked into his mother's hospital room. She was sitting up in the bed. " Good morning Mother". He smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. " How are you feeling?".
" Better". She bit into a slice of white toast that was on her tray. " My headache and the throbbing are gone".
" Guess who's room is just two doors down?".
" Who?".
He turned on the TV with the remote. " My new boss Jim Harris and his wife".
" Why are they here?".
" Their son vanished yesterday" he said in a hushed voice. " Just like my Father did".
As Emily kept eating, they watched the chaos that was unfolding around the world.
" Rory, I don't know understand what you see in that Carlo Simpato".
" He's trying to keep the world together after what happened yesterday".
" Son, our bible study group has been studying the book of Revelation".
He looked at his Mother with anger in his eyes. " So".
" I believe that what happened yesterday was predicted in the Bible as the Rapture".
" I don't want to hear about it" Rory yelled and banged a fist on a table. " How could a loving God take my Father away like that".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Revolution: change starts with you

Revolution: change starts with you by ric Gustafson

Today and starting in the book of Acts, every follower of Jesus is a soldier of the cross. We need to be defenders of the faith and agents of change in this fallen world. Christianity needs to be about a Revolution. When someone gives their life to Jesus, their life comes under a new governance.
We can change the world using God's Word and the power of it's message. Change has to start with us. We need to evaluate areas of our lives that are failing and then deal with them. We need to ask God for his help in prayer. We need to write down a strategy for our lives and then adopt that into a calendar. Only the words of Scripture can bring change to our lives. We need to have a group of people around us to encourage us. And lastly, we should never give up but persevere.
Jesus our Redeemer has already won the victory.

research help: Turning Points May 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 1, 2015

the end of days: rapture page 3

the end of days: rapture page 3 by ric Gustafson

Emily Johnston opened her eyes and quickly glanced around the room. She noticed her son Rory sitting next to her. She tried to raise her head but couldn't because of the throbbing.
" Mom, it's me Rory".
" Did you get my phone call?". They heard a knock on the door. " What happened?".
" Don't try to move". They heard the knock again. " You had a slight concussion".
" Where's Ross?".
" Come in".
A police officer walked in. " Sorry to bother you Mrs Johnston". He shook Rory's hand. " I'm Officer Carlson of the Copper Creek Police Department".
Emily stared at her son. " Rory, where's Ross?".
" Anytime there is an accident, I have to try and ask a few questions".
Emily tried to raise her head. " Rory, what happened to Ross?".
Rory looked at his mother. " Mom, there was an accident".
" Mrs Johnston, do you remember where you were before the accident?".
She thought for a moment. " My husband Ross and I had started on a trip to California to celebrate his retirement".
" Then what happened?".
" Then I saw our van heading for a road barrier".
" Then what happened?".
" I turned and screamed at Ross".
" What did your husband do then?".
She stared at her son and then the Officer. " You wouldn't believe me if I told you".
" What's that Mrs Johnston?".
" I glanced over and only saw my husband's clothes lying in the driver's seat". She looked at Rory. " Your father was not driving the van".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric