Monday, September 8, 2014

the Storehouse page 3

the Storehouse page 3 by ric Gustafson

Angelo drove the Malibu into the open stall and then turned it off. He glanced toward the storehouse and noticed how quiet it was today. He heard a noise and then looked over to see his friend pull into the empty stall next to his.
Mickey got out of his Explorer at the same time as his friend. Angelo walked over and shook his hand. " Boy Mickey, two weeks sure goes by fast".
As they walked down the concrete sidewalk, they noticed a sign on the front door of the storehouse. They stopped at the sign.
" Closed" Angelo exclaimed out loud.
Mickey opened the door. " Let's go in".
They walked into a deserted storehouse. They noticed the young dark bearded man behind the counter. They walked up to the window. " What happened here?".
" Had to close". The young man sighed and closed his gold colored register. " I was robbed several times and had to close".
Angelo gave him a confused look. " Who robbed you?".
" You did" Jesus said as he pointed at Mickey. " Lots of other people did also".
Mickey gave Jesus a confused look. " How did I rob you?".
" Because of people not paying their share of tithes" he said as he put his register into a drawer. " I was forced to close this storehouse". Tears began to come down Jesus's face. He closed the window shade and quietly walked away.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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