Saturday, September 13, 2014

Booth page 1

Booth page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was a stormy day in Washington. The dirt streets were a mess of soil, garbage and horse manure.On this morning of March 4 1865, the sky was an ugly gray. One block east of the Capital Building, a photographer named William M Smith was setting up his camera. A temporary wooden platform was being set up on the East Front steps. Smith's job was to take a historic photograph of a presidential inauguration next to the newly completed great dome.
On another platform, Alexander Gardner was also setting up his camera for the ceremony. He was using large glass plate negatives to capture the images of this great event. As the crowds gathered and waited for Lincoln to address them. In the massive crowds of people gathered there that day was a young black mustachioed man wearing a top hat. He watched as Lincoln stood up at the platform to speak. He was at the height of his power with the Civil War in hand. He held in his hand a single sheet of paper printed in double columns. The text was only 701 words. As Lincoln read about peace to this country and to bind up the country's wounds, the young man listened very intently.
The name of the young man was John Wilkes Booth.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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