Friday, September 12, 2014

Advocate page 1

Advocate page 1 by ric Gustafson

Both Missy and Barbara woke up in total darkness. All if a sudden, they both began to float away from the intersection and felt as if they were flying. After a while, the horizon disappeared, then the clouds and then it was if they were floating in the universe. They land  in a strange tree laden plain and an alabaster clad male figure approaches.
" Missy Barbara, please come with me".
They follow the robed figure up a hill and down to the mouth of a long gaping canyon. Both women look down the canyon whose bottom did not seem to end. The chasm seemed as if it had no bottom or end to it. As they walked away, it seemed as if their old body had returned.
The robed figure walked up to a large structure that looked as if it was at least four hundred feet high.
" Who are you?" Barbara asked the robed figure.
" I am honored to serve the Son who rules from the White Throne".
" The White Throne" Missy said in an embarrassing voice. " I thought that was for unbelievers".
The robed figure pointed toward another door to the right. " Barbara, that door is for you". He smiled. " That leads to the Advocate's chamber".

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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