Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 1

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 1 by ric Gustafson

Most Motor Cars are steel, wire, rubber and plastic. They are run by oil, petrol and water. Smoke comes out of the back and a horn squawks in front. They have white lights in front and red lights behind. They are fine and ordinary when you fill them up, bang their doors or scratch their paint. Once in your life, you may find one that is magical.
A long time ago, there was a family named Pott. The father was Commander Caractacus Pott. The mother was Mimsie Pott and the eight year old twins were Jeremy and Jemima. They lived in a wood next to a big lake with an island in the middle. On the other side of the lake was the big motorway. They were poor and only had money to buy the necessities that they needed. They did not have a motorcar because they could not afford one. Commander Pott was an explorer and an inventor and loved to work in his workshop.
Commander Pott loved to invent things. These inventions included collapsible coat hangers, edible records and cubicle potatoes. One day he came up with a sugar treat that had two small holes in them. He asked the children to blow into them and a sweet sound came out that sounded like a shrill whistle. Commander Pott called the new treat Crackpot Whistling Sweets. He went to town, sold the patent to a Lord Skrumshus and received a checque for a thousand pounds.
The family went to buy a car.

research help: ' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' by Ian Fleming

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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