Sunday, September 7, 2014

the parade crasher page 2

the parade crasher page 2 by ric Gustafson

I heard people shouting and getting louder. I could feel the noon sun beat down on me. I could hear Tila moving his cart.
" He's coming".
I could hear the parade starting to pass me by. I decided that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I put my little tin cup on the ground and straightened up. " Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus, hush up".
I began to yell louder " Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus, be quiet" Tila replied. " Now you've done it".
I could hear the parade stopping.
Mita shook me. " Bartimaeus, get up". Her voice hesitated. " The Rabbi is calling for you".
I slowly stood up and walked toward the Rabbi's voice.
" What do you want me to do for you?".
" I want to see".
I felt hands on my eyes and then extreme warmth.
The Rabbi took his hands away. " Open them".
I slowly opened them and then quickly closed them again because of the noon day sun. I opened them again to see a young dark bearded man smiling at me. I was overcome with emotion. " Praise God". I looked to the side and saw Tila and Mita grinning at me.
Jesus smiled at me. " Go, your faith has healed you". Then he turned and with his followers began to walk away.
I followed the parade out of the city gate singing praises at the top of my lungs.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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