Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Booth page 2

Booth page 2 by ric Gustafson

Richmond Virginia, which was the capital city of the Confederate States of America, fell to Union forces on April 3 1865. Washington celebrated with bonfires, parades and people waving patriotic flags. At the same time, John Wilkes Booth said to a friend Samuel Chester that he should of killed Lincoln on Inauguration Day.
On April 9th, Robert E Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered  to General Grant at Appomattox Court House. On April 10th, Lincoln greeted a crowd of citizens below the North Portico. After hearing the depressing news, Booth and a friend retired to a nearby saloon.
On the evening of April 11, a couple of thousand citizens assembled  in the driveway of the Executive Mansion. Lincoln looked out a window and read from a prepared text. As his son Tad held a light so people could see his father speak, Lincoln stressed reconstruction and the country's healing.
In the middle of the assembled crowd stood John Wilkes Booth and a friend. He listened intently to every word that Lincoln said.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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