Monday, September 8, 2014

the Seminar page 1

the Seminar page 1 by ric Gustafson

Abigail Miller yawned as the speaker spoke about their motivation to be a small business owner. She had come to this all day seminar because she was interested in having her own small business. The question was what the small business would be?. She glanced at her watch. " Where is she?" she mumbled to herself.
Just then, someone quietly sat down next to her. It was her friend Doris.
" Sorry I'm late Abby" she said as she put a cup of Starbucks next to her three ring binder. " Traffic this morning was horrible".
" That's ok" she replied as she kept listening to the male speaker. " This speaker is talking about how our gifts and talents could help us in deciding what our small business will be".
The speaker stopped, sat down and everyone clapped.
" Did that help?".
" A little" she said as she studied the agenda to see who was speaking next. " God will give me wisdom to make the right decision".
" God" Doris sneered as she took a sip of coffee. " How is God going to help us?".
" He will show me the way".
Her friend sneered again. " Whatever".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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