Tuesday, September 30, 2014

the Fall page 6

the Fall page 6 by ric Gustafson

For a long time, Lucifer worked on the Creation music. He conferred with the Elders while it progressed.
One day, there was a knock on the front door. Serus opened it to reveal Lucifer's friend Kama.
" Kama, my dear friend" he said with a strange grin. " You are just the person I wanted to see".
" Lucifer, angels are asking about you". He shook Lucifer's hand. " Everyone is wondering how the Creation music is coming".
" You can tell the Elders that the music is done".
" Already?".
" Yes". He gave his friend a strange look. " Something much more important than the music is on my mind right now".
" And what is that?".
" Have the Elders discussed about stewardship of this new Creation?".
" I heard that the Father, Son and Spirit will be totally in charge of this Creation".
Lucifer frowned. " I see".
" I have been spreading your name to the various members of the Elders".
" Thank you my friend".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 29, 2014

going places with God: a good place to begin

going places with God: a good place to begin by ric Gustafson

Starting with Genesis 1:1, God fashioned the formless void. God created made a physical man into a spiritual being. God planted two trees in the Garden of Eden. Adam had to make a choice. Which tree would he eat from?. Would he obey God's command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Our decision is the same. Do we act out God's glory or not?. God gives us the choice of which tree to eat from.

research help: ' Going places with God' by Wayne Stiles

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 5

the Fall page 5 by ric Gustafson

Michael stood in the Grand Square of the City. He watched as angels went by him heading toward different buildings of the Kingdom. He walked over to a wall of the House of Wisdom. An angel walked up to him.
" Greetings Sangius" the archangel said as he gave him a quick hug. " How is the Minister of the Holy Flame doing today?".
" I am honored to be near the Lord's presence". He lowered his voice. " But something is bothering me".
" What is that my friend?".
" Lucifer asked me to resign from the Council of Worship".
" Why is that?".
" I don't know". His voice hesitated. " I resigned on my own".
" Sangius, what was going on in those meetings?".
" Lucifer was promoting himself instead of the Lord's ability to reign".
" Were the other angels believing him?".
" Yes Michael they were". He sighed. " That's why I resigned".
Michael gave his friend a quick hug. " Thank you for your insight".
They quickly walked away.
Lucifer's friend Serus was standing around the corner of the building listening to the whole conversation.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Alcatraz page 7

Alcatraz page 7 by ric Gustafson

There have been several attempts at escaping. The first happened on April 27 1936. A forty year old named Joseph Bowers was serving a sentence of twenty five years for robbing a store. Because the store was part of the local post office, the crime was a federal offense.
His work assignment was working on the island's incinerator on the west side of the island. The area was protected by a mesh wire fence. On the morning of April 27, Bowers was spotted trying to climb the fence. He was shot in the side and fell off the fence. Bowers fell sixty feet onto a concrete embankment.
His death was the first violent death recorded at Alcatraz.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Fall page 4

the Fall page 4 by ric Gustafson

Lucifer was walking down a street near the Grand Hall of Assembly. He noticed a friend in the crowd. " Kara, what's going on?".
" My dear friend Lucifer" he replied with a smile. " Haven't you heard the news?".
" What news?".
" Gabriel just proclaimed that a physical world called Creation is coming".
" Kara, I already knew that was coming".
" Lucifer, that is not the only big news".
" What other big news?".
" Gabriel wants you to come up with the Creation hymn".
" Me!".
" Because you are head of the music worship". He grinned at Lucifer. " The archangel and all the angels believe you can do it".
Lucifer gave his friend a strange grin. " Tell Gabriel he can count on me".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 27, 2014

the Fall page 3

the Fall page 3 by ric Gustafson

The assembled angels sat at a long table and watched Lucifer walk in.
" Welcome my brothers" he said as he quickly walked up to the table. " I just came from Gabriel's celebration". He frowned. " But something is bothering me".
Tinius spoke up. " What is that?".
" I have no choice but to do what the Most High tells me".
" Lucifer, we all follow God's commands".
" Tinius, hear me out". He began to walk around the table. " I do what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit tell me". He stopped in front of a giant window and stared out. " Sometimes I feel like a slave".
" Lucifer, we are not slaves" Tinius said loudly. " We serve God out of love and obedience".
" My dear Tinius" Lucifer replied as he put a hand on his shoulder. " Is this world so perfect that God would not let us choose our own path?".
All the angels looked at each other.
Lucifer looked around the table. " If by chance God is not all perfect, what authority does he have over us?".
The meeting adjourned.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

fascinating places in the bible: Ararat

fascinating places in the bible: Ararat by ric Gustafson

Ararat is the tallest peak in Turkey at 16,854 feet. The mountain's nickname is the Mountain of Pain and because of volcanic activity the Mountain of Fire. The mountain is ten miles west of Iran and twenty miles south of Armenia.
Where in the bible is Ararat?. Genesis 8:4 says ' and the ark rested in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.
The mountain has been ruled by Armenians, Romans, Persians, Mongols, Ottomans and Russians. Since 1923, the mountain has been considered part of Turkey.
Since 2001, explorers, geologists and Bible scholars have searched for the remains of Noah's Ark.
The mountain will always be associated with Noah.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places of the bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

the Fall page 2

the Fall page 2 by ric Gustafson

Lucifer entered the Great Hall of Ceremony and quietly sat down in the choir loft. As the chief lord over worship, he was in charge of leading the choir. He stood up, raised his hands and thousands of angels began to sing their praises. After a while, a golden door opened to the side and twenty four Elders entered the room. The Chief Elder had a belt containing twelve large stones each a different color.
Michael and Gabriel approached the Great Throne. Lucifer led the choir into a loud frenzy. " Holy Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty". The choir got louder. " Who was and is and is to come".
Smoke poured from the throne.
A voice came from the smoke. " The Lord your God gives Gabriel full authority as archangel". The voice continued. " He will be a ruling angel, wear the golden belt of majesty and the Sword of Truth as his insignia".
Gabriel stepped forward. The ranking Elder put the golden belt around him and then presented him with the Sword of Truth.
Then the voice of the Lord thundered. " Let him who has been created to serve, serve with all of his heart". There was a pause. " This is the will of the Lord".
" So be it" yelled all of the assembled angels.
Lucifer quickly and quietly left the Throne Room. He summoned Larus and told him that he wished to speak to the Council of Worship as soon as possible.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Fall page 1

the Fall page 1 by ric Gustafson

Lucifer gazed toward the Great Mountain of the North. He saw God's light streaming down the mountain. He turned toward a nearby mirror as he heard someone approach. He smiled as he studied himself. His name meant Light Bearer or the Star of the Morning. His eyes were blue gray and his hair shone in the sun as he wore his white cloak.
" My Lord".
He turned to see his chief servant Larus. " Yes Larus".
" Michael is here to see you".
" I will talk to him".
" Yes, my lord".
Lucifer followed the servant through the beautiful mansion. Beautiful tapestries and mirrors filled the mansion and the light from the Great Mountain lit up the rooms. They walked into a chamber where the archangel was waiting for him.
" My dear brother" Lucifer said with a sly smile. " What a pleasant surprise".
The archangel was strong and built like a warrior. He had long brown hair, deep green eyes and carried a jewel encrusted sword. He was Captain of the Lord's Host and commanded respect.
" Lucifer, I am here on official business". He gave his brother a serious stare. " You are the chief lord over worship and we need to plan a ceremony for the installation of a new archangel".
" A new archangel so soon". He grinned at his brother. " Who is getting the honor this time?".
" Our brother Gabriel".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the stonethrower page 3

the return of the stonethrower page 3 by ric Gustafson

The twelve men stared at the Rabbi for an answer.
Jesus was silent. He began to draw in the sand with one of his fingers.
The men stared at his strange behavior.
All of a sudden, he looked at them. " Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her". He then began to write in the sand again.
The men stared at each other. The oldest of the men dropped his stone and then walked away. One by one this happened until only Jalien, Ania and Zeula were left. They looked at each other and then dropped their stones. They quickly walked away.
Jesus looked around. " Woman, where are they?". He stared at the young woman. " Has no one condemned you?".
" No one".
" Neither do I condemn you". His voice hesitated. " Go and sin no more".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 22, 2014

fascinating places in the Bible: Antioch

fascinating places in the Bible: Antioch by ric Gustafson

Our first fascinating place in the Bible is called Antioch. The name of Antioch means ' named in honor of Antiochus'.
Where in the world today is Antioch?. The current town of Antakya in southern Turkey is where the ancient site of Antioch was. Antakya is twenty miles from the Mediterranean Sea and twelve miles from the Syrian border. Antakya is located on the eastern shore of the Orontes River.
Where in the Bible is Antioch mentioned?. In Acts 11:26 it says ' And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch'.
What was unique about Antioch?. It was founded in 300 BC and became a metropolis of 500,000. It became a center of Christendom in the Roman Empire. Antioch was the starting point of Paul's first missionary journey. In the fifth century, disasters came to the city. There was a major earthquake and the city was conquered by the Arabs and besieged during the Crusades.
It is believed that most of the ruins of Antioch are buried under the Orontes River.

research help: ' 40 fascinating places of the Bible' by Ellen Caughey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the stonethrower page 2

the return of the stonethrower page 2 by ric Gustafson

Jalien walked over and told Ania and Zeula what they were going to do with the young woman. With the terrified woman in between the twelve men, they started walking toward the Temple.
At a large stone pile just outside the Temple, Jalien stopped. " Inside the Temple right now is a Rabbi by the name of Jesus". His voice hesitated. " We are trying to trick him so that we can bring a charge against him". He picked up a large stone. " Each of you pick up a large stone and follow me".
With the young woman in tow, they quietly walked into the Temple. As they entered the Temple Mount, they saw a young dark bearded man sitting on the ground with some followers around him.
Jalien led the group into a semi circle around the Rabbi. Jalien said in a loud voice " Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery and the Law of Moses commands that we stone her". Jalien gave Jesus a stern look. " What do you say we should do?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Alcatraz page 6

Alcatraz page 6 by ric Gustafson

On September 4 1932, the first group of prisoners were transferred to Alcatraz. One of the prisoners was a fifty year old named Roy Gardner. When he was at San Quentin, he was called dangerous and aggressive. He was one of the last train robbers and jewel thief.
His prison record started in 1902 when he was sentenced to two years in prison for burglary. On December 20 1910, he stole 23 diamond rings and then was sentenced to five years in San Quentin. In April of 1920, he was arrested for robbery and sentenced to 25 years at McNeil Island. After serving time at Leavenworth Kansas, in 1925 he was moved to Atlanta.
In 1938 after serving time at Alcatraz, Gardner prisoner number 110 was released. In 1940, he committed suicide in a San Francisco hotel room.

research help: 'Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Plan: discovering God's Promise

the Plan: discovering God's Promise by ric Gustafson

Some people wait around for God to open a door. Waiting for God's promise means waiting for God's timing. Joseph waited for years faithfully to God's plan to unfold in his life. Hebrews 10:23 says that he who promised is faithful.
How do we discover God's promise?. First, we need to read and study God's Word. Second, through the circumstances of life. Third, through godly counsel. Fourth, listening to our spirit driven conscience.
When God warns us not to do something, it is very loud. The longer we ignore it, we will hear it less and less. When he places principles in our heart, he wants us to make wise decisions using common sense. God uses the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction.
When we place our faith in God, he will work everything out for our benefit.

research help: ' God has a plan for your life' by Charles F Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the stonethrower page 1

the return of the stonethrower page 1 by ric Gustafson

Zeula woke up from a sound sleep to hear a soft knock at the door. He tiptoed around his mother and opened the door. It was his friend Ania.
" My friend Jalien, who is with the Pharisees, wants us to help them with a job". He smiled. " Also the pay is good".
" Ok, I'll meet you outside". He dressed quickly and then kissed his mother on the forehead.
He walked out and followed Ania down torch lit streets. He followed his friend to an area of Jerusalem near the Temple that he was not familiar. They came upon an unassuming house where obviously some activity had just taken place. They walked up toward ten men who were wearing traditional Pharisee robes. Standing next to them was a man and a woman.
The man looked older and was acting very nervously. The young woman next to him was shivering because she was wearing only a torn thin robe. To Zeula, it looked like she had been crying.
Their friend Jalien spotted them and walked over.
" What happened Jalien?".
" These two had been caught in the act of adultery". He frowned. " The penalty for getting caught is death by stoning".
The older gentleman began to talk quietly to Jalien and the others. He quietly walked away.
The young woman was now cowering near a corner of the house.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 19, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 21

I Am The True Vine page 21 by ric Gustafson

John 15:11 talks about joy. Jesus says that my joy might remain in you. It also says that your joy might be full. We cannot have joy without Jesus. Jesus says abide with me and I will abide in you. Jesus's love is joy. Jesus received God's love and he passes that on to us. This is the joy of being Jesus's branches that we abide in his love.
Jesus wants us to have complete and full joy. The joy of being loved and blessed. We have been given a divine love. This divine love is to love and bless others.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 18, 2014

the Plan: God's Promise Fulfilled

the Plan: God's Promise Fulfilled by ric Gustafson

God has a plan for our lives and he wants us to discover it. Sometimes we wonder if we are in God's will. The first thing we need to do is trust God. God has a will for every single of us. Jesus knew that his Father had a plan for his life.
When we are willing to listen and wait for his will, God will begin to unfold his plan for our life. When we are living according to his will, circumstances will be set up to fulfill the plan for our life. The hand of God opens and closes doors for us each day. God will correct and redirect us when we make a wrong turn. To fulfill God's plan for us, we must surrender our life to him.

research help: ' God has a plan for your life' by Charles F Stanley

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 20

I Am The True Vine page 20 by ric Gustafson

John 15:9 says to continue ye in my love. To abide in his love is to abide in the Vine. God's love for his Son is a divine love. God loves him, dwelts in him and does everything for him. Jesus as the True Vine loves us more than anything else. Our soul seeks Jesus's love. Casting ourselves on Jesus is the secret to a true Christian life.
We need to spend more time with Jesus and less with ourselves. We need to set our hearts on Jesus the True Vine.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Booth page 2

Booth page 2 by ric Gustafson

Richmond Virginia, which was the capital city of the Confederate States of America, fell to Union forces on April 3 1865. Washington celebrated with bonfires, parades and people waving patriotic flags. At the same time, John Wilkes Booth said to a friend Samuel Chester that he should of killed Lincoln on Inauguration Day.
On April 9th, Robert E Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered  to General Grant at Appomattox Court House. On April 10th, Lincoln greeted a crowd of citizens below the North Portico. After hearing the depressing news, Booth and a friend retired to a nearby saloon.
On the evening of April 11, a couple of thousand citizens assembled  in the driveway of the Executive Mansion. Lincoln looked out a window and read from a prepared text. As his son Tad held a light so people could see his father speak, Lincoln stressed reconstruction and the country's healing.
In the middle of the assembled crowd stood John Wilkes Booth and a friend. He listened intently to every word that Lincoln said.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advocate page 3

Advocate page 3 by ric Gustafson

Missy and the robed figure walked three steps inside the door. Then everything changed. In a second, everything that Missy had ever thought about in the past disappeared. She began to slowly walk toward a radiant light that looked like a throne. She began to cower in front of the intense presence. Missy realized that there was no light in the room except what was coming from the throne.
Missy looked to her right to see a group of people with downcast eyes and trembling bodies. Then she noticed a red haired female standing in front of the throne. Flickering in front of her were rapid fire images of her life. The images started when she was a young girl and then quickly through adulthood.
Missy turned toward the robed figure. " What is happening?".
" Her life and deeds are being replayed".
" Why are they doing that?".
" It is part of the judgment".
A loud voice spoke out from the throne. " Is Carol's name found in the Lamb's Book of Life?".
" No my Lord" replied another loud voice. " It is not".
" Carol, you have refused my salvation". The voice hesitated. " You are to be bound hand and foot, taken away and cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
There was a loud flash and then she was gone.

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 15, 2014

24 hours: Fork in the Road Days

24 hours: Fork in the Road Days by ric Gustafson

We make fork in the road decisions every day. In our homes, at our work, in school and at church. In Matthew 16, Jesus says that to be his followers we must take up our cross and follow him. Jesus wants us to self deny ourselves. Jesus says the least are the greatest. He said that the last will be the first. Jesus tells us to consider others better than ourselves.
Matthew 5 Jesus says turn the other cheek and walk the second mile. Jesus says whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.
Jesus wants us to be a second mile servant in our church, our community, our city, our state, our country and around the world. Acts 20 says it's better to give than receive.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 14, 2014

24 hours: Purposeless Days

24 hours: Purposeless Days by ric Gustafson

In Luke chapter 9, Jesus asks us to take up our cross and follow him. What does he mean by that?". We are to take Jesus's burden for the people of the world. No one's cross is identical. Luke 9:23 says that if we want to be Jesus's followers, we must forget about ourselves. We must take up our cross each day and follow him. Each of us has our own cross to carry. Jesus has assigned each of us a task.
God has a purpose for each of us. What is yours?.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Advocate page 2

Advocate page 2 by ric Gustafson

The robed figure opened the wooden door. " Missy, you are about to enter the Great Hall of the White Throne of Judgment".
She frowned. " I'm being judged".
" Shortly you will face your King".
Missy grinned. " I will meet Jesus".
" Though you have never met in person, the Son has seen you".
" Jesus has met me".
" He knows your innermost desires, your motives and your thoughts". The robed figure hesitated. " Nothing has been hidden".
" Ok". Missy reached for the door. " Let's go".
The robed figure put a hand on the door. " I pray that your name is found".
She gave him a perplexed stare. " My name is found where?".
" In the Book of Life".

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Booth page 1

Booth page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was a stormy day in Washington. The dirt streets were a mess of soil, garbage and horse manure.On this morning of March 4 1865, the sky was an ugly gray. One block east of the Capital Building, a photographer named William M Smith was setting up his camera. A temporary wooden platform was being set up on the East Front steps. Smith's job was to take a historic photograph of a presidential inauguration next to the newly completed great dome.
On another platform, Alexander Gardner was also setting up his camera for the ceremony. He was using large glass plate negatives to capture the images of this great event. As the crowds gathered and waited for Lincoln to address them. In the massive crowds of people gathered there that day was a young black mustachioed man wearing a top hat. He watched as Lincoln stood up at the platform to speak. He was at the height of his power with the Civil War in hand. He held in his hand a single sheet of paper printed in double columns. The text was only 701 words. As Lincoln read about peace to this country and to bind up the country's wounds, the young man listened very intently.
The name of the young man was John Wilkes Booth.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 12, 2014

Advocate page 1

Advocate page 1 by ric Gustafson

Both Missy and Barbara woke up in total darkness. All if a sudden, they both began to float away from the intersection and felt as if they were flying. After a while, the horizon disappeared, then the clouds and then it was if they were floating in the universe. They land  in a strange tree laden plain and an alabaster clad male figure approaches.
" Missy Barbara, please come with me".
They follow the robed figure up a hill and down to the mouth of a long gaping canyon. Both women look down the canyon whose bottom did not seem to end. The chasm seemed as if it had no bottom or end to it. As they walked away, it seemed as if their old body had returned.
The robed figure walked up to a large structure that looked as if it was at least four hundred feet high.
" Who are you?" Barbara asked the robed figure.
" I am honored to serve the Son who rules from the White Throne".
" The White Throne" Missy said in an embarrassing voice. " I thought that was for unbelievers".
The robed figure pointed toward another door to the right. " Barbara, that door is for you". He smiled. " That leads to the Advocate's chamber".

research help: ' Rescued' by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 2

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 2 by ric Gustafson

When the Pott family went looking for a motorcar, they wanted something different. They looked all that afternoon and the next day. They looked at brand new cars and went to second hand showrooms. Commander Pott knew what he wanted in a car having been an engineer officer in the Navy. Right before the second day ended, they came to a little broken down garage which was run by a former racedriver. It was actually a tin shed with petrol pumps outside and inside the floor was slick with oil.
Commander Pott and the owner talked among themselves for a long time. Then the owner led the family to the back of his garage. A large object was under a tarpaulin. The owner took it off to display to reveal the ugliest vehicle the family had ever seen. It was a rusted open four seater motorcar without a hood and green paint peeling off of it.
The owner explained that the motorcar once knew every race track in Europe. The owner said that the car was a twelve cylinder eight litre supercharged Paragon Panther. He also stated that it was the only one in the world. Commander Pott and the family studied the car inside and out top to bottom. Everyone loved the car. Commander Pott asked the owner how much he wanted for the motorcar. They agreed upon fifty pounds.
The car's registration number was Gen II.

research help: ' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' by Ian Fleming

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 1

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang page 1 by ric Gustafson

Most Motor Cars are steel, wire, rubber and plastic. They are run by oil, petrol and water. Smoke comes out of the back and a horn squawks in front. They have white lights in front and red lights behind. They are fine and ordinary when you fill them up, bang their doors or scratch their paint. Once in your life, you may find one that is magical.
A long time ago, there was a family named Pott. The father was Commander Caractacus Pott. The mother was Mimsie Pott and the eight year old twins were Jeremy and Jemima. They lived in a wood next to a big lake with an island in the middle. On the other side of the lake was the big motorway. They were poor and only had money to buy the necessities that they needed. They did not have a motorcar because they could not afford one. Commander Pott was an explorer and an inventor and loved to work in his workshop.
Commander Pott loved to invent things. These inventions included collapsible coat hangers, edible records and cubicle potatoes. One day he came up with a sugar treat that had two small holes in them. He asked the children to blow into them and a sweet sound came out that sounded like a shrill whistle. Commander Pott called the new treat Crackpot Whistling Sweets. He went to town, sold the patent to a Lord Skrumshus and received a checque for a thousand pounds.
The family went to buy a car.

research help: ' Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' by Ian Fleming

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

the Seminar page 2

the Seminar page 2 by ric Gustafson

Doris bit into a French fry. " Abby, I hope you don't mind coming here during the lunch break".
" No" her friend replied as she stared out of one of the restaurant's windows. " The lunch selection at the seminar did not look very appealing.
Her friend bit into a McDouble and then wiped her mouth with a napkin. She stared at Abby. " I can't believe you wore that outfit to the seminar".
She looked at her outfit. " Doris, what are you talking about?".
Her friend took another bite of her cheeseburger. " I said I can't believe you wore that outfit to the seminar".
Abby looked again at her clothes. " What's wrong with this outfit?".
Doris took a sip of her diet drink. " Abby, that outfit looks like filthy rags".
She looked down again. " What are you talking about?".
" Abby, you are my best friend". She took another sip of her drink. " But that outfit looks unclean, like filthy rags".
Abby thought for a moment and then a smile came to her face. " Doris, you did it!".
She took a bite of her cheeseburger. " I did what".
" That's the perfect name for our small business".
" What's that?".
" The Filthy Rag Cleaning Store".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 8, 2014

the Seminar page 1

the Seminar page 1 by ric Gustafson

Abigail Miller yawned as the speaker spoke about their motivation to be a small business owner. She had come to this all day seminar because she was interested in having her own small business. The question was what the small business would be?. She glanced at her watch. " Where is she?" she mumbled to herself.
Just then, someone quietly sat down next to her. It was her friend Doris.
" Sorry I'm late Abby" she said as she put a cup of Starbucks next to her three ring binder. " Traffic this morning was horrible".
" That's ok" she replied as she kept listening to the male speaker. " This speaker is talking about how our gifts and talents could help us in deciding what our small business will be".
The speaker stopped, sat down and everyone clapped.
" Did that help?".
" A little" she said as she studied the agenda to see who was speaking next. " God will give me wisdom to make the right decision".
" God" Doris sneered as she took a sip of coffee. " How is God going to help us?".
" He will show me the way".
Her friend sneered again. " Whatever".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Salt and Light page 7

Salt and Light page 7 by ric Gustafson

A young man walked over. " Congrats Jack".
" Thanks Mike". He took a handful of cashews from the silver bowl and began to munch on them. A familiar face walked over and poured himself a cup of punch. " Great party Jack".
Jack smiled back. " Thanks Fred".
The older gentleman walked over to the end of the long table and brought back a large box. " Jack, I brought you a couple of retirement gifts".
Jack smiled and unwrapped the box. He pulled out a bag of potato chips.
" I took your advice and now I'm only producing salted potato chips".
Jack smiled again. He put his hand into the box and pulled out a light bulb.
" Jack, because of you I gave my life to Jesus". The two hugged. " Because of Jesus, the plant will never be dark again".

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Storehouse page 3

the Storehouse page 3 by ric Gustafson

Angelo drove the Malibu into the open stall and then turned it off. He glanced toward the storehouse and noticed how quiet it was today. He heard a noise and then looked over to see his friend pull into the empty stall next to his.
Mickey got out of his Explorer at the same time as his friend. Angelo walked over and shook his hand. " Boy Mickey, two weeks sure goes by fast".
As they walked down the concrete sidewalk, they noticed a sign on the front door of the storehouse. They stopped at the sign.
" Closed" Angelo exclaimed out loud.
Mickey opened the door. " Let's go in".
They walked into a deserted storehouse. They noticed the young dark bearded man behind the counter. They walked up to the window. " What happened here?".
" Had to close". The young man sighed and closed his gold colored register. " I was robbed several times and had to close".
Angelo gave him a confused look. " Who robbed you?".
" You did" Jesus said as he pointed at Mickey. " Lots of other people did also".
Mickey gave Jesus a confused look. " How did I rob you?".
" Because of people not paying their share of tithes" he said as he put his register into a drawer. " I was forced to close this storehouse". Tears began to come down Jesus's face. He closed the window shade and quietly walked away.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 7, 2014

the Storehouse page 2

the Storehouse page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Next".
Mickey walked up to the window and handed his pay envelope to a young dark bearded man.
The young man opened his pay envelope. " How much would you like to give to the Lord of Hosts in tithe?".
" I have a lot of bills to pay this week". Mickey thought for a moment. " 6 percent".
The young man frowned and then wrote something in a gold ledger. He handed the pay envelope back to Mickey. " Next".
Mickey noticed Angelo approaching holding his pay envelope.
" How much did you give in tithe Angelo?".
He gave his friend a strange look. " Ten percent of course".
As they walked back to their vehicles, Mickey began to think that he probably should have given more.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 2

the parade crasher page 2 by ric Gustafson

I heard people shouting and getting louder. I could feel the noon sun beat down on me. I could hear Tila moving his cart.
" He's coming".
I could hear the parade starting to pass me by. I decided that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I put my little tin cup on the ground and straightened up. " Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus, hush up".
I began to yell louder " Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus, be quiet" Tila replied. " Now you've done it".
I could hear the parade stopping.
Mita shook me. " Bartimaeus, get up". Her voice hesitated. " The Rabbi is calling for you".
I slowly stood up and walked toward the Rabbi's voice.
" What do you want me to do for you?".
" I want to see".
I felt hands on my eyes and then extreme warmth.
The Rabbi took his hands away. " Open them".
I slowly opened them and then quickly closed them again because of the noon day sun. I opened them again to see a young dark bearded man smiling at me. I was overcome with emotion. " Praise God". I looked to the side and saw Tila and Mita grinning at me.
Jesus smiled at me. " Go, your faith has healed you". Then he turned and with his followers began to walk away.
I followed the parade out of the city gate singing praises at the top of my lungs.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 6, 2014

the Storehouse page 1

the Storehouse page 1 by ric Gustafson

Angelo McBride drove slowly into the parking stall. He turned the blue Chevy Malibu off and then noticed a black Ford Explorer come into the stall next to his. It was his friend Mickey Nyholm.
He got out and began to walk down the broad concrete sidewalk toward the huge gray storehouse.
" Wait for me" his friend said as he came up close clutching a pay envelope. He shook his head. " I can't believe two weeks has gone by already".
As they approached the building, Angelo noticed people coming out smiling and laughing. " They look happy".
" I don't know why". He frowned as he peered into his pay envelope. " I have extra bills to pay this week".
Angelo opened the steel door for his friend. " Remember Mickey".  He grinned. " The first ten percent to the Lord of Hosts".
Mickey frowned as they walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 1

the parade crasher page 1 by ric Gustafson

I woke up and felt around for my little tin cup. It was cool out and I knew that it was still early morning. According to my father Timaeus , I have been blind since birth. I have lived in Jericho my entire life and even though I cannot see, I can hear everything that goes on around me. I have been sitting in this spot most of my life begging for food and money. Sometimes somebody will throw a few coins into my cup but not often.
Even though I hear a lot of voices going by me each day, two voices are the most important. Mita owns a fruit cart and parks it right next to me. She will throw me a piece of fruit and talk to me. Tila owns a meat cart and parks it right on the other side of me. He usually talks to me unless he is really busy.
This morning, I could tell by the voices going by me that something different was going on. I could tell by the voices that something grand and unusual was approaching from one end of the city. I heard people jumping, shouting and running by me. " What's going on Mita?". I could hear people coming up to her cart.
" I don't know?".
" What's going on Tila?".
" I've been hearing that the Rabbi from Galilee and his followers are coming through town".
I turned my head toward Mita. " Who's the Rabbi from Galilee?".
" I've heard he's performed miracles". She hesitated. " I've also heard that he preaches that the kingdom of God is at hand".
Shortly later, I heard Tila moving his cart. " He's coming".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Salt and Light page 6

Salt and Light page 6 by ric gustafson

Mikey quietly knocked on the heavy wooden door.
" Come in".
He entered and saw the light bulb salesman sitting on the edge of the bed talking to his father.
" So Matthew 5 talks about being the salt of the earth".
" That's right" Jack said as he turned the page of the small black bible that was in his hand. " It also talks about being the light of the world".
Fred smiled at his son. " Hi Mikey". He gave his son a big hug. " Jack's been telling me some interesting things that are in the bible".
" Like what Daddy?".
" That John 8:`12 along with Matthew 5 talks about Jesus being the light of the world and the salt of the earth".
Jack smiled. " This present evil world is in a state of darkness".
Fred grinned at his son. " I'm going to work on that".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 1, 2014

24 hours: Fear filled Days

24 hours: Fear filled Days by ric gustafson

In Mark chapter 5, we read of a man named Jairus. He is the city leader of Capernaum and he is seeking Jesus. He goes to the shore
seeking Jesus and finds him surrounded by a multitude. When he sees Jesus, he falls onto his knees. He tells Jesus that his daughter is at death's door and will he come and put his hands on her. He agrees and they walk toward his house. All of a sudden, Jesus stops. He turns and asks who touched his clothes?. Jairus
cannot see who it is who comes forward from the crowd. He frowns
because seconds is passing and his daughter is dying. A short time later, a servant tells him that his daughter is dead.
Jesus tells Jairus to not be afraid but to just believe. He enters Jairus's home with Peter, James and John. He tells them that the child is not dead but sleeping. He tells the child to rise and she gets up and walks. Jesus tells us to not be afraid but to trust him always.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves A Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric