Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 3

Rahab 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

Sala walked quietly along the Gaza street. The shops and stalls near the waterfront were beginning to stir. He and his father Nahshon were here so his father could purchase a new boat for his father's shipping business. The city was a big port on the Great Sea and they were able to find a good boat.
Just then, someone ran headlong into him. A young girl with a look of terror on her face stood up and glanced around.
" Are you all right" Sala asked. " I can tell something is wrong".
Rahab nervously looked around to see if they were coming.
" Please let me help you".
Her face was damp with sweat. " How can you help you?".
" Are you running away from somebody?".
She heard voices coming. " Yes from evil men who were going to sell me into slavery".
Sala smiled and reached out his hand. " Come with me".
Hesitating at first, she put her hand into his.
" I will take you to the inn where my father and I are staying" he replied in a reassuring voice. " No slavers will find you there".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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