Friday, May 30, 2014

Rahab 2014 page 2

Rahab 2014 page 2 by ric gustafson

The woman gave Rahab a cup of water. " Drink up, we will be leaving shortly".
She gave her a fearful stare. " Where are you taking me?".
" Egypt, my dear".
Tears began to form in Rahab's eyes. " Why?".
" We are going to sell you to an Egyptian lord who will pay a fortune for you".
Tears came down Rahab's eyes and into her water cup. " Please let me go home".
" Come outside and meet the man who is going to sell you".
They walked outside the tent and Rahab noticed a man who wore a tunic that came halfway up between his knees and ankles. He wore leather sandals and had gray mixed in his dark beard.
" I will not go".
" I see we have a spitfire here". He studied Rahab's face. " How old are you?".
" Twelve".
" She is perfect" he replied with a strange grin. " Tie her up".

research help: ' This Scarlet Cord' by Joan Wolf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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