Saturday, May 24, 2014

Python page 3

Python page 3 by ric gustafson

Missy put a bottle of ketchup on the small dinette table. " Anything else you would want to put on your hotdogs?".
" No" was her friend's reply as she smeared some pickle relish on top of her bun. " Can I have a glass of milk please?".
" Sure". She walked over and took out a small glass from the brown cupboard. She opened the refrigerator and took out a small carton of 1 percent. " I was talking to somebody at break today".
" Who was that?". Barbara picked up the ketchup and put some on her hot dog.
" Don Humphrey from the church that we visited".
" You mean that atheist church" she said with a sneer as she took a bite.
" Yes". She put a brochure on the table next to her friend as she nibbled on some French fries that were on her plate. " He left me a brochure for that retreat they are having in California".
She took another bite of her hot dog. " Missy, as a Christian I've told you how uncomfortable I feel around those people".
Missy drank from a water glass. " Barbara, please go with me".
" Missy, you know how busy I am at work right now". She took a sip of milk. " I can't".
" Remember what you told me when I went with you to Hawaii and took time off from work".
Barbara grinned. " You said pay back was coming".
Missy stood up and put the brochure under her friend's nose. " That time has come".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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