Saturday, May 3, 2014

an act of mercy

an act of mercy by ric gustafson

This story originates from Royan Iran. Bilal Gheisari had stabbed to death Abdollah Alinejad in a street brawl. An Islamic law called qisas, which means an eye for an eye, gives the families of the victims a chance to oversee the convicted killer's execution. The family also has the option to show mercy to the killer and stop the execution.
Abdollah on April 15 was walking toward the gallows. The Gheisari family was among the crowd of onlookers. He was blindfolded, weeping and begged the family one last time for forgiveness. Alinejad, the mother of the victim, walked up close and asked him if he showed mercy to her son. Then she asked him why should I show mercy to you?. She slapped him across the face and then she took the noose away from his neck. His death sentence had been commuted. His sentence was changed to 12 years in prison with half of it already served.
Ephesians 4:32 says to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.
As followers of God, he wants us each day to forgive others just as he forgives us on a daily basis.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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