Sunday, May 25, 2014

intersection page 1

intersection page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy opened the steel door and walked up to the cashier. " We have the gas on pump 3 and whatever my friend is getting". She quickly glanced around. " Also I need some directions". She looked at her name badge. " My name is Missy too".
The young female smiled. " That will be thirty for the gas and I'll try to help with directions".
Missy brought out her billfold and handed her a twenty and a ten. She brought out the brochure and handed it to her. " It's called the Happiness Retreat Camp and it says it's at Mile Marker 296".
Barbara walked up to her friend. " Missy, any luck with directions?".
The young clerk studied the directions on the brochure. " Mile Marker 296 is about five miles up the road". She grinned and handed the brochure back. " If you come up to a huge intersection, you've gone too far".
" Thank you" Missy said as she handed the brochure to Barbara. " We are from out of state".
" Your welcome".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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