Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 2

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 2 by ric gustafson

The two young women listened as the song ' Here comes the Sun' by George Harrison played out it's last notes.
Underneath a large banner that read ' Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More' a young man stood up. " As the donation boxes are passed around, I have one final announcement".
The cardboard box came to the young women.
" Barbara, do you want to give them some money?" Missy asked as she put five dollars in.
" No Missy, they do not believe in God".
" Suit yourself".
The boxes were brought up to the front.
" There are brochures at the front lobby for our retreat to California". Jack Rogers smiled. " It should be a fun time".
" As you leave today, give somebody a hug".
The band began to play ' Lean On Me'.
When it was over, the two women stood up, hugged each other and walked out toward the front door.
Missy stopped at the information table. She picked up a brochure.
" Missy, what are you doing?".
" I'm curious about this retreat ".

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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