Thursday, May 8, 2014

python page 1

python page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy opened the plastic bin and took out three chocolate chip cookies. She put them into a small bag and then set on the tray. She walked over and picked up three McDoubles and then put them on the tray. She rang the register. " That will be $5.01".
The young man reached into his pant pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill and a penny. " Here you are". He began to put the money into her hand. " Did you enjoy the church service Sunday?".
She cringed. " How did you know I worked here?".
" I didn't". He reached for the tray. " I thought I saw you there Sunday".
" Actually,  I was there with a friend of mine". She took the money and opened the register.
" Hi, I'm Don Humphrey" he said as he shook her hand. " I'm on the committee that does follow up visits to new people at our church".
She closed the register. " I'm Missy".
" Would you have a few minutes so we can talk?".
She glanced at the clock on the far wall. " Sure, I take my break in fifteen minutes".
" Great".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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