Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 2

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 2 by ric gustafson

He put his bowling bag on a swivel chair and took out his grey bowling ball. He put it on the rack and put his white towel on the edge. He noticed that a group of high school kids were on lane 4. He took out his white and blue Pete Weber bowling shoes and slowly put them on.
He sat down in one of the swivel chairs next to the scorer and tried to put his name into it. It came up as Practice. No matter how many times he tried to change it, it came up as Practice.
Manny shook his head in frustration, picked up his ball and threw it down the lane.. The ball hung on the gutter and he got seven pins. He threw the ball and picked up the spare.
Just then, the lights for Lane 6 came on and Manny heard a bag being put on top of one of the swivel chairs.

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