Monday, October 15, 2012

Peacemaker: doubleminded peace

Peacemaker: doubleminded peace by ric gustafson

Doubleminded indecisive people do not enjoy peace with God. Satan tries to steal our peace by telling us not to make a decision. Not making a decision means we still make a decision and make a mistake. God wants us to make decisions wether they are right or wrong.
Sometimes people do not make a decision because they are afraid of what people think. God wants us to live with confidence because indecision takes away our peace. God wants us to be confident and of good courage. God does not want us to make decisions too quickly but to pray and think it over thoughtfully. God wants us to make decisions with our heart not our head. James 1:8 tells us not to be doubleminded but reliable and stable.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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