Thursday, October 18, 2012

McDonald's page 2

McDonald's page 2 by ric gustafson

Richard and Maurice McDonald left New Hampshire after high school partly because their father had lost his job during the Depression. They moved to Hollywood in 1930 and took various jobs at movie studios. In 1937, the brothers got involved in a growing industry, the drive in restaurant. The first carhop drive in, the Pig Stand opened in 1932 on the corner of Sunset and Vermont.
In the mid 1930's, The first large drive in chain Carpenters opened. Started by Charles and Harry Carpenter, it catered to customers in their cars. Carhops led to carhops on rollerskates and that led to speaker phones at each stall.
In 1937, Bob Wian served two hamburger patties with the works on a triple decker bun. He called his new hamburger the Big Boy and began to call his chain Bob's home of the Big Boy.
In 1937, the McDonald brothers opened their first tiny drive in Pasedena. They started selling hotdogs not hamburgers on a dozen canopy covered stools and employed three carhops. In 1940, they built a larger drive in in San Bernardino which was fifty miles east of Los Angeles. The drive in was octagonal, had no inside seating but by the mid 1940's was the town's number one teen hangout.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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