Friday, October 5, 2012

names of God: Firstfruits

names of God: Firstfruits by ric gustafson

I Corinthians 15:23- ' Christ the firstfruits'

This term refers to God the Son. Firstfruits were part of a crop which was offered to God as a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, people were directed to offer God their firstfruits. Leavened bread, the freshest wheat and animals without defect. In this passage, Paul is telling the church at Corinth that Christ had conquered death and that they could have everlasting life.
God gave us the ultimate firstfruit, his only son so that we could have everlasting life. God gave us his best firstfruit, his son because he loves us so much.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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