Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ford page 3

Ford page 3 by ric gustafson

At the end of the 1990's, William Clay Ford Jr known as Bill Ford Jr became chairman of Ford. His father, William Clay Ford Sr was the youngest of Edsel Ford's four children. His mother was Martha Firestone who was the granddaughter of Harvey Firestone. Harvey Firestone founded Firestone Tire and Rubber.
Bill Ford Jr was born in Detroit in 1957. His father was a member of Ford's board of directors and was a vice president of the company's Continental Division. Ford's father William Clay Sr bought the Detroit Lions in 1963. Ford Jr enjoyed the outdoors like his great grandfather. In southeast Michigan, the Ford family was regarded as royalty. After high school, Ford Jr got a green Ford Mustang and then sent to Princeton. In 1979, he graduated from Princeton and began to work for his great grandfather's company. In 1987, he was promoted to head of Ford in Switzerland. In 1988, he was elected to Ford's board of directors. On January 1 1999, Bill Ford Jr became CEO of Ford.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Shade

names of God: Shade by ric gustafson

Psalm 121:5- ' the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand'

This term refers to God the Father. A right hand man means your most dependable friend. David writes that God is close enough to cast a shadow on our right hand. God is both our friend and our helper. David writes that God protects us day and night and is our keeper. God is our Shade and will protect us forevermore.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ford page 2

Ford page 2 by ric gustafson

Henry Ford had a simple vision for his company ' I will build a car for the great multitude'. Henry Ford started his company in June of 1903. Ford started his vision with the Model T a simple no nonsense car. It came out in October of 1908 and cost $ 850. The car was nicknamed the Tin Lizzie and to make them fast Ford started the first moving assembly line. Ford shocked the world in January of 1914 when he said that he would pay his workers $5 a day in wages. Mass production allowed Ford to cut costs and boost efficiency. By 1925, the price of a Model T was only $ 260 but sales of the popular car were slipping. In 1921, Ford's market share was 61.5 percent but General Motors was closing in fast.
In 1927, Ford started working on the Model A but it was too late. General Motors became the top automaker. By 1929, two million Model A's were being sold and Ford again was at the top of the heap. Ford also came out with a V-8 motor that was a hit with the public.
Only after World War Two did Ford diversify it's product lineup. In 1985, Ford introduced the Taurus which was a sedan with rounded corners and tighter suspension. In 1992, the Taurus became the bestselling car in America. In 1997, Toyota's Camry took over that honor.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 29, 2012

Batmobile page 6

Batmobile page 6 by ric gustafson

Batman Begins had an opening weekend of $46.9 million. Christopher Nolan began to talk about a followup and a deeper journey into the Batman myth.  The story that developed was that DA Harvey Dent tries to trap the Joker played by Heath Ledger at a press conference where he is the bait. Dent is arrested and while he is being transferred, is chased by Batman and the Joker.
Along with the Tumbler, a two wheel vehicle called a Bat Pod was introduced.
For the third story in the trilogy, the Dark Knight Rises, a villain called Bane is introduced. He is a ruthless killer who is bent on destroying Gotham. Batman fights Bane with a new vehicle called the Bat. It is a hybrid jump jet and helicopter. The Batmobile had not changed much between films except for more firepower.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Ford page 1

Ford page 1 by ric gustafson

In September of 2006, the great grandson of Henry Ford Bill Ford Jr resigned as Ford's chief executive officer. A few minutes later, Alan Mulally became Ford's new CEO. Mulally was president of Boeing's commercial aviation division. Mulally saved Boeing from disaster and now was hired to save Ford. At one time Ford, General Motors and Chrysler were Detroit's Big Three automakers. From the 1920's to the 1970's, the Big Three dominated the automobile industry. As the three automakers share shrunk, they all had too many factories, too many workers and too many dealers.
For five years, Bill Ford Jr tried to salvage and take charge of Ford. Quality started to improve and they introduced a hybrid to the market. Because of rising gas prices, customers were staying away from Ford's big trucks and SUV's. Bill Ford asked Mark Fields to restructure their US automotive business. Fields shut down factories and slashed jobs. It was not enough and Toyota outsold Ford for the first time. In 2006 alone, Ford had a loss of 6 billion in the third quarter.
What happened?. The story of Ford begins with a man named Henry Ford.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Batmobile page 5

Batmobile page 5 by ric gustafson

Christopher Nolan approached Warner Bros executives about directing a Batman movie. Nolan's idea was for Bruce Wayne to have a desire for vengeance and learning the mind of the criminal.
The design for a new Batmobile began in 2003, when Nathan Crowley had an idea for a military vehicle look. Crowley wanted the Batmobile to look like a stealth bomber or fighter jet. The Batmobile now nicknamed the Tumbler was fifteen feet long, nine feet wide and weighed two and a half tons. It had two seats, a Chevy V-8 engine, turbo transmission and heavy duty shock absorbers. There were machine guns up front and an exhaust port that spouted a blue flame.

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 27, 2012

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 1

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 1 by ric gustafson

" So did you go back to see the witch?" Todd Reed said with a yawn as he waited for the city bus to come over the hill.
" No" replied Martin Gardner as he sat down on the worn green bench. " I spent an hour walking up and down Main Street looking for a turkey somebody thought they saw".
" I'm going to walk down the sidewalk and wait for the bus".
Martin kept staring at the incoming traffic hoping to see the number 5 come.
Gobble Gobble.
Martin heard the noise and turned around. " What was that?" he muttered under his breath. He turned to watch for the bus.
Gobble Gobble.
He turned again to see just a large bush behind the bus bench. " Did you hear that noise Todd?".
" What noise".
He shook his head and turned again to look for the bus.
Gobble Gobble  Hey you!.
Martin turned to see a pair of scared eyes peeking through the bush.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 26, 2012

down at the Witches Brew page 3

down at the Witches Brew page 3 by ric gustafson

Miss Mabel bent down and picked up the stack of tarot cards from underneath the booth. She was trying to put them into a tarot spread and impress the customer who was sitting across from her. She was frustrated because each time she tried to put the cards into a spread, they fell onto the floor.
She was trying to put the cards into a spread when she heard the phone ring. She walked over and picked up the phone that was by the cash register. " Witches Brew this is Miss Mabel". " Hi Martin" she said as she stared at her customer. He wore all white and something about him sent chills down her body. " I've been waiting for you to show you my tarot spreads". " You're not coming" she said with a large frown. " Why is that?". " A turkey" she exclaimed with a cackle. " Are you sure you're not coming". " Ok". She hung up the phone and walked back to the table. " Can you believe it" she said as she kept trying to put the cards in order. " A turkey was spotted on Main Street and Martin wanted to go check it out". She looked at the customer. " I almost had him".
Jesus quietly shook his head. " You can't have him".
Just then, she recognized the voice. " Nazarene".
Jesus put his scarred hands on the table. " He's confused but he believes in me".
" I should have realized it was you when I couldn't shuffle my cards".
Jesus stared at the witch. " Do not tempt him any longer with your sorcery".
She shook her black hair. " Suit yourself" she said as she heard the bell ring over the front door. " There will always be someone else". She stood up and began to walk toward the door. She turned to see that Jesus had left. She walked up to the young woman who was standing under the cobwebs. She gave a slight cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 3

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 3 by ric gustafson

Flavius nervously adjusted his helmet and straightened the medals that were on the front of his uniform. The medals mostly were for bravery in battle and he was proud of them. He stood against a wall of one of the palace rooms of Caiaphas who was the chief priest in Jerusalem that year.
The dimly lit room did not contain much other than a large chair for the chief priest and a long wooden table with chairs for the Sanhedrin council meetings. He watched as several of the high priests and some important Pharisees walked in and sat down around the wooden table. Flavius noticed a tall dark haired man wearing a hooded cloak which covered most of his face. He watched the man enter the room and stand against the wall at the back of the room. Flavius watched as Caiaphas was the last to enter the room. He wielded enormous authority partly because his father in law was the former chief priest.
" Let's get started" Caiaphas said loudly as he banged his fist on the chair.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Maker

names of God: Maker by ric gustafson

Job 4:17- ' shall a man be more pure than his maker'

This term refers to God the Father. God who is our maker made the universe from nothing and us from dust. Job cursed the day of his birth because of the events that had happened to him. His friend Eliphaz encouraged him to stand firm in faith. God knew what he was doing and he was proving it to Satan that this man of faith would stand firm. Job did stand firm because he is a work of the maker. We are part of the work of God the Maker who loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 3

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 3 by ric gustafson

I drove the red Saturn into an empty stall near the front door.
" Mort, why are we coming here?".
" Miss Johnson, you asked me to find you a worthwhile christian charity".
" I know but I don't know why we came to this retirement home".
" The people running this place are christians and help the seniors here with all of their needs".
" I know" was her reply as she nervously played with her hair. " My husband and I own this place".
" I hope I found the charity you were looking for".
" Ok Mort" she said as she got out of the car and began to walk toward the front door. " Come into the lobby in ten minutes and I will give you your money".
I watched her open the front door swinging that red purse of hers. I prayed in silence to God for guidance and strength. Five minutes later, one of the Manor's employees ran out. " Help" he yelled as he ran toward the car. " Miss Johnson's been murdered".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Love: the glory of the heart

Love: the glory of the heart by ric gustafson

Psalm 139:14 says that our body is so well designed it is fearfully and wonderfully made. Our heart is the core of our body. The heart is very important because our life depends on it. Man is spirit, soul and body. We have an innermost being inside of us and that directs our emotions, attitudes, compassions and love. We have inside of our heart the wonderful glory of love.
Love is the glory of the heart.

research help: ' Born to Love' by Ben Coblentz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 2

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 2 by ric gustafson

Suddenly, Mary walked back into the room carrying a very expensive alabaster flask and walked up to Jesus. She slowly opened the flask and poured the oil and ointment on Jesus's head and his feet. As the fragrant perfume seeped through the floor, Mary knelt down and started to wipe the perfume from Jesus's feet with her hair.
As the incident was going on, Simon and the disciples were looking at Mary and Jesus in horror. Simon was shocked that his perfect dinner party had been ruined.
Judas, who was the treasurer of Jesus's group, spoke up for the disciples and Simon. " Why all this waste, this perfume could have been sold for a lot and given to the poor". He knew about money and that the perfume was worth about three hundred denarii which was about a year's wage for a common laborer.
Jesus looked around the room at everybody and knew what all of them were thinking. " Why do you trouble with this woman?". He had a stern look on his face. " She has done a good work for me". He helped Mary to her feet with compassion in his eyes. " You will always have the poor but me you will not always have". He smiled at the people in the room. " For in pouring this oil on my body, she did it for my burial and what this woman did will be a memorial to her".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Refiner's Fire

names of God: Refiner's Fire by ric gustafson

Malachi 3:2- ' for he is like a refiner's fire'

This term refers to God the Son. A refiner is someone who heats metal that has been mined. The refiner then removes its impurities. Jesus, like a refiner's fire, purifies us too. In this passage, Malachi is warning the priests in the Temple that they need to start living what they are teaching.
Metals do not come in a pure state. The metal needs to go through a smelting process and then the iron becomes stronger. We need Jesus the refiner's fire to purify us and make us stronger.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

McDonald's page 6

McDonald's page 6 by ric gustafson

Ray Kroc had a franchise formula that was different than anyone else. Kroc avoided multi store franchises and sold only single store franchises. Kroc also avoided the allure of easy money by selling large franchising territories. Territorial franchising was popular with both Burger King's largest licensee, Diversifoods Incorporated and Pillsbury Company.
Leo Moranz in 1948 helped start a company called Tastee Freez. Their idea was for a freezer that produced soft ice cream by pumping a liquid mix into a freezing barrel.
Kroc refused to sell products and equipment to the franchises which other fast food businesses were doing. One example was the story of Burger Chef. Burger Chef in the 1960's was the biggest competitor of McDonald's. A company called General Equipment built most of the equipment for the chain. By 1968, the chain had just about a thousand locations. Burger Chef was sold to General Foods. General Foods showcased the equipment of the stores and did not try to improve the stores look. In the early 1970's, General Foods took major financial losses because of Burger Chef and never recovered.
General Equipment was run by Frank Thomas and his brother Dave.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 22, 2012

McDonald's page 5

McDonald's page 5 by ric gustafson

Ray Kroc formed McDonald's System Inc in March of 1955. In 1944, Harry Axene, a farm equipment sales manager, invested in a liquid dairy mix that made in a cylinder came out with soft ice cream. John McCullough, a dairy operator from Iowa, watched long lines for the soft ice cream that had just been named Dairy Queen. McCullough began to line up investors to francise Dairy Queen. By 1948, there were 2,500 outlets in operation.
In 1952, a restaurant and motel owner in Corbin Kentucky named Harlan Sanders cooked up dinner for Pete Harmon. That night Harmon had the best fried chicken he had ever tasted. Harmon added the chicken to his Salt Lake City's restaurant's menu and it became the menu's most popular item. Harmon named Sanders chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken. He encouraged Sanders to francise his chicken. By 1986, two hundred and fifty stores had been francised.
In April of 1955, Kroc opened the first McDonald's in the Midwest in Des Plaines Illinois.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 21, 2012

down at the Witches Brew page 2

down at the Witches Brew page 2 by ric gustafson

Todd and Martin walked into the doorway and felt cob webs against their faces. Todd moved a web away from his face and then felt something against his left leg. He looked down.
" A black cat" he yelled in fear as he moved back toward the front door.
" Felix" said an older woman who was dressed all in black like a witch. " Sorry about that". She reached down and picked up the black cat. " Welcome boys to the Witches Brew". She gave out a slight cackle. " What can I do for you?".
" We're lost" Martin said as he looked around at the spooky decor. " We're looking for Ridgewood Avenue where we live".
" I'm not sure where that is" was her reply as the cat scampered into a dark corner. " You boys look like you are hungry". She pointed toward an empty booth. " You can be my last customers today".
" I am hungry" Todd said as he walked over to a booth and sat down. Martin frowned and then joined his friend.
She picked up a couple of menus and then blew the cob webs off of them. She handed them to the boys. " I would recommend the eye of newt and also the Ghoul Stew is good".
Todd stared at her. " No thanks" he said as he stood up and walked away toward the front door. " I'll wait for you outside".
" Sorry" Martin said as he handed the menus back to her. " I guess we're not hungry after all".
" That's ok" she replied and then smiled. " Not only is this a cafe but I also do tarot readings".
" I don't know what tarot cards are".
" Come back tomorrow night and I will show you".
" Ok" he said as he gave her a weak smile. " What street is this?".
" This is Endor Lane".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 20, 2012

names of God: Power of the Highest

names of God: Power of the Highest by ric gustafson

Luke 1:35- ' And the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee'

This term refers to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is invisible but we know that that this powerful aspect of God the Father is there. In this passage, an angel is telling Mary that she will be bearing the Son of God. As followers of God, we know that the invisible Holy Spirit is working in us and is producing great results. Like Mary, we know that those results are wonderful indeed.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

McDonald's page 4

McDonald's page 4 by ric gustafson

Ray Kroc was a food service equipment salesman who had been following the success of the McDonald brothers. The McDonald's drive inn had been using Kroc's multimixers for some time with success. Kroc began to wonder why so many of his mixers were being used by one drive inn. He came to the San Bernardino restaurant and was surprised by the sheer numbers of customers. He was happy with the quality and price of the food and the cleanliness of the drive inn.
Kroc told the McDonald brothers that their business could open up nationwide. The brothers asked if he would become their franchising agent. Kroc agreed and told them that he would not charge more than $ 950 for a franchise fee. Kroc promised not to charge more than 1.9 percent of a store's sales as a service fee. In 1965, the use of Kroc's mixers declined as more stores began to use direct draw mixers. In 1960, Kroc formed a franchising company named McDonald's Corporation.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

down at the Witches Brew page 1

down at the Witches Brew page 1 by ric gustafson

Todd Reed slowly walked off the bus. He stared down the dark street.
Martin Gardner walked off and now stood by the bus bench. He looked around. He pointed. " I think we need to go this way".
" Are you sure this is the quickest way home?" his friend asked as fear came over his face. " I don't know this area and this street looks spooky".
" I'm sure". He pointed toward the west. " Follow me".
They began to walk down the deserted street as leaves blew around them. After a while, Martin noticed a building with their lights on.
They walked across the street. Todd noticed a sign above the building. It read ' The Witches Brew Cafe and Tarot Readings'.
They walked up to the front door.
" I have a bad feeling about this' Todd exclaimed.
They walked in.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 19, 2012

McDonald's page 3

McDonald's page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1921, the first nationwide hamburger chain started when Billy Ingram came out with a burger he called a White Castle. White Castle charged only five cents for it's hamburger so people could buy them by the sack. The McDonald brothers believed in fast service and their drive in showed that. With only two serving windows, lines were twenty deep during peak periods. In 1951, sales were over $ 250,000.
By 1952, the brothers decided to offer franchises to those who wanted it. Neil Fox, who was a gasoline retailer, wanted to open a drive inn in Phoenix. The new drive inn was larger than the original in Pasedena. The McDonald brothers came up with the idea for the Golden Arch. The new sign would be a bright yellow arch that could be seen from blocks away. The franchising idea started good but in two years only sold fifteen franchises.
In 1954, the future of McDonald's changed forever when a food service equipment salesman named Ray Kroc came to visit.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F. Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Peacemaker: relaxing peace

Peacemaker: relaxing peace by ric gustafson

The longer that we know the Lord and trust him, the more relaxed we will be as far as peace in our lives. Relaxing during trials in our lives will help us maintain peace with God. Jesus does not want us to worry, be anxious or worry about tomorrow. Jesus wants us to have supernatural relaxation and trust in him. Hebrews 7:25 says that Jesus is always interceding for us. God wants us to trust in his Son and produce good fruit. God wants us to surrender our guilt and sins to him and he will give us peace. John 6:29 says that God wants us to believe in the one whom he has sent which is Jesus his Son.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

McDonald's page 2

McDonald's page 2 by ric gustafson

Richard and Maurice McDonald left New Hampshire after high school partly because their father had lost his job during the Depression. They moved to Hollywood in 1930 and took various jobs at movie studios. In 1937, the brothers got involved in a growing industry, the drive in restaurant. The first carhop drive in, the Pig Stand opened in 1932 on the corner of Sunset and Vermont.
In the mid 1930's, The first large drive in chain Carpenters opened. Started by Charles and Harry Carpenter, it catered to customers in their cars. Carhops led to carhops on rollerskates and that led to speaker phones at each stall.
In 1937, Bob Wian served two hamburger patties with the works on a triple decker bun. He called his new hamburger the Big Boy and began to call his chain Bob's home of the Big Boy.
In 1937, the McDonald brothers opened their first tiny drive in Pasedena. They started selling hotdogs not hamburgers on a dozen canopy covered stools and employed three carhops. In 1940, they built a larger drive in in San Bernardino which was fifty miles east of Los Angeles. The drive in was octagonal, had no inside seating but by the mid 1940's was the town's number one teen hangout.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

names of God: Jesus of Nazareth

names of God: Jesus of Nazareth by ric gustafson

John 1:45- ' Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph'

This term refers to God the Son.   Nazareth was the home town of Jesus. In this passage, Nathanael is doubting that anything good could come from a small town like that. If you had heard that someone from your town was claiming to be the savior of the world, would you believe them?. After meeting Jesus, Nathanael changed his mind. Jesus wants us to be open minded when we meet him.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Rahab page 2

Rahab page 2 by ric gustafson

Salmon heard someone outside the flap of his tent. He opened it to reveal his commander Joshua.
" Salmon, I need to speak to you".
Salmon opened up the flap and Joshua quietly walked in. " Please commander sit down".
" Salmon, I have an assignment for you".
" Send me" Salmon said with a joyous voice. " I'm ready for anything".
Joshua put a bundle at Salmon's feet. " Here is some Amorite clothing and weapons".
" Commander, what do you want me to do with those?".
Joshua smiled. " I would like you to quietly enter Jericho, find out everything you can find out and then just as quickly get out".
" Commander, do you want me to do this alone?".
" No, Ephraim is going with you".

research help: ' A Lineage of Grace' by Francine Rivers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

McDonald's page 1

McDonald's page 1 by ric gustafson

The headquarters of McDonald's Corporation is in a suburb west of Chicago called Oak Brook Ilinois. In that building, meetings are held for a company whose annual worldwide sales are $ 24 billion and climbing. McDonald's is the largest food service company in the world and spends more than $ 1 billion in advertising each year.
It's spokesman is a clown named Ronald and it is the US's fourth largest retailer. In 1984, it opened store number 8000 and served hamburger number 50 billion. Ninety six percent of the population have eaten at one of it's restaurants and controls eighteen percent of the fast food market.
The story of McDonald's starts with two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

names of God: King of Kings

names of God: King of Kings by ric gustafson

Revelation 19:16- ' He has a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords'

This term refers to God the Son. The term King of Kings and Lord of Lords indicates One whom all rulers will kneel in honor. In this passage from Revelation, John describes a vision of Jesus at the Second Coming. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and on his blood soaked robe are the words King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Rahab page 1

Rahab page 1 by ric gustafson

Rahab looked at the eastern gate through the huge window. The king had given her this house as a present for her services and she despised it. In this house was everything she could want the finest robes, objects of art, jewelry whatever she wanted. But inside Rahab was unhappy and wanted to get out of her situation. She knew that the Israelites were just on the other side of the Jordan River and soon would attack Jericho. She had hopes and dreams and they depended on the God that she loved. She believed that this God was the true God and the only one. Several months before, someone told her stories of the God of the Israelites. She sat at the window and prayed to the God of the Israelites and dreamed of being one of his people.She watched the road and prayed for deliverance.

research help: ' A Lineage Of Grace' by Francine Rivers

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 15, 2012

Peacemaker: doubleminded peace

Peacemaker: doubleminded peace by ric gustafson

Doubleminded indecisive people do not enjoy peace with God. Satan tries to steal our peace by telling us not to make a decision. Not making a decision means we still make a decision and make a mistake. God wants us to make decisions wether they are right or wrong.
Sometimes people do not make a decision because they are afraid of what people think. God wants us to live with confidence because indecision takes away our peace. God wants us to be confident and of good courage. God does not want us to make decisions too quickly but to pray and think it over thoughtfully. God wants us to make decisions with our heart not our head. James 1:8 tells us not to be doubleminded but reliable and stable.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Quickening Spirit

names of God: Quickening Spirit by ric gustafson

I Corinthians 15:45- ' the last Adam was made a quickening spirit'

This term refers to God the Son. The word quicken means to come alive or to receive life. Quicken also means to revive and reminds us of eternal life. Paul in this passage talks about Adam the natural man and Jesus the spiritual man. Adam lived out his days and Jesus came as the source of life. Jesus comes as the Quickening Spirit to give us a new kind of life. This life through Jesus only requires faith and the life he gives last for eternity.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 14, 2012

names of God: Wall of Fire

names of God: Wall of Fire by ric gustafson

Zechariah 2:5- ' For I saith the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire'

This term refers to God the Father. A wall of fire could be considered an unbreachable defense. The writer of this passage is predicting a return to Jerusalem of the scattered Jews. God is protection for Jerusalem and for us his believers. God gives us prayer and that is the best firewall that we can ever have. God is our protection and our Wall of Fire.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Peacemaker: worrying about peace

Peacemaker: worrying about peace by ric gustafson

One of the stealers of our peace is worry. Worry can take away our energy and even make us sick. We worry because we do not trust God and think we can solve our own problems. We need to totally leave everything to God and his plan for us. Worrying about tomorrow leaves us tired and frustrated. Matthew 6:34 says that each day is its own trouble. God wants to take care of us and promises to do so. We must focus on God's Word to help from worrying. God is faithful and will not fail or let us down. God wants us to have a life of peace not dread.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Peacemaker: the enemy of peace

Peacemaker: the enemy of peace by ric gustafson

The enemy of peace is Satan himself. God gives us weapons to fight Satan and his demons. The shoes of peace is a weapon God gives to us. According to Isaiah 61:10, in faith we are covered with the robe of righteousness. Satan is a liar and is the father of lies. Satan is a thief who only wants to steal, kill and destroy. Satan is a legalist who tries to make us feel condemned by our guilt. Satan is a troublemaker who tries to cause trouble in every part of our life. Satan tries to wear us out and make us weak so we cannot resist him.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 3

the pumpkin patch page 3 by ric gustafson

One day, Alex heard a noise. " Someone's coming".
" I hear him" Doreen replied with joy in her voice. " And he's carrying a basket".
The elderly man in white scooped down and picked up Miguel.
" He picked me" the pumpkin replied with gladness as the man put him in his basket.
" He picked me too" Doreen squealed. The man put the pumpkin into the basket.
" He won't pick me" Alex said with a sigh. " Nobody ever does".
The elderly man put the pumpkin into his basket.
When he got home, God washed off the pumpkins. He cut off the tops and scooped out all of the insides of doubt, hate and greed. He carved out a new smiling face on all three pumpkins. He put a light inside each one and put them by the front door.
On the night of Halloween.
" Smile everyone" Doreen said with a joyful voice. " The kids are coming".

research help: an email from work

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 12, 2012

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 3

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 3 by ric gustafson

Manny watched as one of his classmates picked up a spare on Lane 4. He picked up his ball and threw it near the gutter. It barely stayed on the lane and it knocked down four pins. He shook his head in frustration and then heard a noise. He picked up his towel and noticed a strange looking man standing by the rack. He was holding a red bowling ball.
" Good afternoon" he said with a strange grin as he put his ball on the rack. " Would you mind if I practice on Lane 6?".
" No". He picked up his ball, threw it and missed the spare.
The man on Lane 6 who was wearing a red shirt, dark pants and dark sunglasses picked up his ball, threw it over the first arrow and into the pocket for a strike. " I love bowling on a lane with a six".
Manny picked up his ball, moved his feet a little to the left and threw the ball a little bit harder. The ball hung near the gutter and it knocked down seven pins. He shook his head. " Boy am I having trouble bowling today".
" So Manny I've been hearing that you've been questioning whether you want to be a christian or not?".
He picked up his ball and threw it across alley only knocking down one of the three pins. He turned toward the stranger. " How did you know my name is Manny?".

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 1

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 1 by ric gustafson

It was a beautiful day in Bethany, a town on the eastern outskirts of Jerusalem. As evening came, a dinner party was about to begin. Simon, with a smile on his face, had been looking forward to this evening for some time now. With tears in his eyes, he thought about the time he had that dreadful disease called leprosy. It normally gets worse and the person is shunned from society. Later, the person dies an agonizing death.
One day, a Rabbi from Galilee named Jesus came and put his hands on him and completely healed his body. This dinner party was Simon's way of thanking Jesus for the miracle he did for him.
Jesus and his disciples came to Simon's house and reclined at a low wooden table. Three friends of Simon's were also there. Their names were Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Simon asked Martha if she would serve the meal and so far the party was going according to plan. Mary excused herself and walked away. This left Simon, Lazarus, Jesus and his disciples.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 2

the pumpkin patch page 2 by ric gustafson

Miguel heard the silence as the last of the families left the patch. " Doreen, are you still here?".
" Yes". There was hesitation in the voice. " They did not pick me".
" Alex, are you still here?".
" Yes, I'm still here". There was silence. " I was not picked also".
" What's wrong with me?" Doreen asked. " I'm a good pumpkin with a nice roundness".
" I don't know" Miguel replied with a sigh. " I'm a good looking pumpkin also".
" I'm scared" Alex replied. " What will happen to us if we are not picked?".
" Don't worry" Doreen said in a reassuring voice. " God knows we are here".
" I sure hope you are right".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 2

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 2 by ric gustafson

He put his bowling bag on a swivel chair and took out his grey bowling ball. He put it on the rack and put his white towel on the edge. He noticed that a group of high school kids were on lane 4. He took out his white and blue Pete Weber bowling shoes and slowly put them on.
He sat down in one of the swivel chairs next to the scorer and tried to put his name into it. It came up as Practice. No matter how many times he tried to change it, it came up as Practice.
Manny shook his head in frustration, picked up his ball and threw it down the lane.. The ball hung on the gutter and he got seven pins. He threw the ball and picked up the spare.
Just then, the lights for Lane 6 came on and Manny heard a bag being put on top of one of the swivel chairs.

works of mercy: bear wrongs patiently

works of mercy: bear wrongs patiently by ric gustafson

God desires for us to forgive those who deliberately try to harm us. Matthew 6:14-15 says that if we forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you. The passage also points out that if we don't forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Unforgiveness brings bitterness. James 1:20 says the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God. Refusing to forgive someone brings pride into our life. Refusing to forgive brings us nothing but disaster. Bearing wrongs patiently means we need to kill our old self and rely totally on God.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Batmobile page 4

Batmobile page 4 by ric gustafson

In 1992, the sequel to Batman Batman Returns came out. Tim Burton was back as director along with Michael Keaton as Batman. Gotham became more darker and more Gothic. The Batmobile changed with the addition of a stronger exhaust flame and greater range to the radio controlled machine guns. Other additions included a disk ejector for metal Bat disks and a darker look to the car's sheen.
Batman Returns premiered with a $ 47.7 million first weekend compared with $ 40.5 million for Batman
In 1995, a script for a new Batman movie was talked about. Joel Schumacher agreed to direct the film. Val Kilmer replaced Keaton as Batman and Chris ODonnell was now playing Robin. The film was called Batman Forever. Two key adversaries were Jim Carrey playing the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones playing Two Face.
The Batmobile was now twenty eight feet long and shot a twenty five foot flame out of it's exhaust port. Batman Forever put up fabulous box office numbers

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 1

Winner takes all chapter 1 Practice page 1 by ric gustafson

Manny Caldwell opened the glass door and walked into the noise of the bowling center. ' This is beautiful' he thought as he looked around the newly remodeled center. When it opened, it was the most modern looking center of it's time. Over the years, the owners had let it run down to the point where one day they had to sell it.
A year ago, somebody named Pop's had sold a juice bar and bought the bowling center. In that time, he turned the center into a modern looking entertainment and bowling center. Now families and young people were coming to bowl again.
Manny walked up to the wooden counter.
" Can I help you?" asked a young man who sported a black beard and was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.
" Do you have any open lanes?".
" Sure". He glanced around the center. " How about Lane 5?".
" That's fine". He picked up his suitcase looking bowling bag and started walking toward the lane.
" Do you need shoes?".
" No". He walked down the three steps to where lane 5 was.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nicodemus part 3

Nicodemus part 3 by ric gustafson

Nicodemus slowly walked up the dusty hot slope toward the cross. He was carrying several pounds of myrrh, spices and pure linen. A short distance behind him walked Joseph of Arimathea and Mary the mother of Jesus.
He walked up to Flavius Artemis the centurion in charge of the execution detail. Flavius barely recognized Nicodemus but knew who Joseph of Arimathea was. He had asked Pilate for the carpenter's body so it could be buried properly according to Jewish custom. Pilate asked Flavius if the carpenter was already dead. Flavius said it was so Joseph's request was granted.
When Flavius saw the two men approach, he ordered his men to lower the cross. Nicodemus and a few others carefully took the nails out of the carpenter's hands and his feet. Nicodemus carefully took the crown of thorns off of Jesus's head.
Mary put her arms around the lifeless body of her son and weeped.
Joseph and Nicodemus wiped the dried blood off of his body and then began to annoint his body with the myrrh and the spices. After they had done this, they carefully wrapped the body with the pure linen.
Four men picked up Jesus's body and then slowly walked into a nearby garden that was near the execution site. Joseph led them to a tomb that no one had ever used.
There the body of the carpenter was laid to rest.

The End and also the Beginning.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 2

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 2 by ric gustafson

" Of course" I replied nervously as she pulled a pink cigarette case out of her red handbag. She took one out and held it. I opened my desk drawer and I found my lighter that I used when I smoked. I light it. She leaned back into the wooden chair. " Now how can I help you Miss?".
" Johnson" she replied in a husky voice as I heard the cold wind whistle outside. " Marilyn Johnson".
" How can I help you Miss Johnson?".
" Mr Snelling, do you believe there is hope in this world?".
" Being a christian, yes I do believe there is hope in this world".
" I respect that" she said as she snuffed out the cigarette in a nearby ashtray. " I'm sorry to say that I do not feel that way".
" How can I help you Miss Johnson?".
" I will get right to the point". She took a piece of paper out of her purse. " My late husband was also a nonbeliever and in his will instructed me to give part of his estate to a charity of my choice".
" That was honorable of him". I yawned because of the late hour.
" So Mr Snelling".
" Mortimer". I smiled at her. " Everyone calls me Mort".
" Well Mort, it's very simple".
" And what is that?".
" Find me a helpful charity and I will make it and you very rich".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Nicodemus part 2

Nicodemus part 2 by ric gustafson

A temple guard and myself were summoned to Caiaphas's court. As we stood there waiting for our orders, one of the chief priests was ranting to the others.
" This Rabbi from Galilee stated you know where I am from, I am not here on my own, you don't know him but I know him and he sent me". He hit his fist on the table where they were sitting. " This Rabbi is saying blasphemy and needs to be arrested now".
Caiaphas pointed a finger at us. " Arrest this Rabbi and bring him to me".
We walked out and eventually found the Rabbi. He was teaching to a crowd in the Temple Court. We walked up to him to seize him. The Rabbi looked at us as if he knew we were coming.
" I am with you for only a short time and then I go to the one who sent me".
I looked at the other guard and could not believe what he was saying.
" You will look for me but you will not find me and where I am you cannot come".
The Jews standing near us began to murmur among themselves. " Where does this man intend to go that we cannot find him?". " Does he intend to live among and teach the Greeks?".
The other temple guard and myself were so mesmerized by his teaching, neither of us could raise a finger to arrest him.
" If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink". The Rabbi looked at me. " Whoever believes in me, streams of living water will follow from within him".
We walked back to Caiaphas's court.
Caiaphas gave me an angry stare. " Why didn't you bring him in?".
" No one ever spoke the way this man does".
Caiaphas's face grew red with rage. " You mean he has fooled you too".
Nicodemus spoke up. " Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing?".
One of the priests stood up and looked at Nicodemus. " Are you from Galilee also, look into it yourself". He pointed a finger at Nicodemus. " You will find that a prophet does not come out of Galilee".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nicodemus part 1

Nicodemus part 1 by ric gustafson

Nicodemus was out walking late one night. He knew exactly where he was going. After a period of walking, he found the Rabbi. The look on Jesus's face gave Nicodemus the impression the Rabbi knew he was coming.
" Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God" he said in a soft assuring voice. " For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him".
Jesus stared at Nicodemus. " I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again".
" How can a man be born again when he is old". Nicodemus scratched his chin. " Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb ".
Jesus smiled at him. " I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit, flesh gives birth to flesh but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit".
Nicodemus could not believe what he was hearing.
" The wind blows where it wants, you hear it's sound but cannot tell where it is going, so it is with everyone born of the Spirit".
" How can this be?".
" You are Israel's teacher and you do not understand these things".
" I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen". " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". " God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world".

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 1

the pumpkin patch page 1 by ric gustafson

Doreen wasn't sure who was there. " Miguel, are you there?".
" Yes, I am" a voice replied. " I'm just over to your right".
" Are you here Alex?".
" Yes, I'm in the back".
" I sure hope we get picked today" Doreen said with excitement in her voice.
Miguel spoke up. " I hear something".
" The kids are coming" Alex said with a shout. " Everyone get ready".
All three pumpkins waited patiently and hoped that they would get picked.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 6, 2012

names of God: Plant of Renown

names of God: Plant of Renown by ric gustafson

Ezekiel 34:29- ' And I will raise up for them a plant of renown'

This term refers to God the Son. The term Plant of Renown might have been referring to the Branch of Jesse. The Branch of Jesse described and predicted the coming Messiah. The writer of this passage reminded the Israelites that God was still with them and would be their deliverance.
Jesus is our Plant of Renown and sustains life and us.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Batmobile page 3

Batmobile page 3 by ric gustafson

In the world of Batman comic books after the show ended Batman changed. He was no longer a playboy but a corporate leader and head of the Wayne Foundation. Dick Grayson had started college and Batman set up a new batcave underneath the Wayne Foundation building.
In 1979, Michael Uslan and Benjamin Melniker started to negotiate a Batman movie with DC Comics. Gotham was envisioned as a city of tomorrow with stark angles, creepy shadows and plenty of steel and concrete. The Batmobile would change too to a black auto with advanced computers and remote control. It had a V-8 Chevrolet Impala chassis, new suspension and drag racing tires.
The Batmobile was equipped with armor shielding, a grappling hook and two machine guns which put out dummy bullets.
The movie Batman came out with Tim Burton directing and starring Jack Nicholson as the Joker.

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 5, 2012

names of God: Firstfruits

names of God: Firstfruits by ric gustafson

I Corinthians 15:23- ' Christ the firstfruits'

This term refers to God the Son. Firstfruits were part of a crop which was offered to God as a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, people were directed to offer God their firstfruits. Leavened bread, the freshest wheat and animals without defect. In this passage, Paul is telling the church at Corinth that Christ had conquered death and that they could have everlasting life.
God gave us the ultimate firstfruit, his only son so that we could have everlasting life. God gave us his best firstfruit, his son because he loves us so much.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Batmobile page 2

Batmobile page 2 by ric gustafson

In 1949, a serial called Batman and Robin came out. Robert Lowery played Batman and Robin was played by Johnny Duncan. The Batmobile wa a 1949 Mercury convertible and was parked outside Wayne Manor. The dynamic duo kept their suits in a filing cabinet and changed into their suits while driving. The Batmobile at that time had no special gadgets or radio communication and if they saw the Batsignal they had to find a pay phone to call Commissioner Gordon.
When the TV show Batman debuted on New Year's Day 1966, color TV was starting. George Barris was called by the studio to design the new Batmobile. He came up with a 1955 Lincoln Futura that had high tail fins and a double bubble windshield. The car now had a Bat Radar and a Bat Phone hotline to Commissioner Gordon. The new Batmobile weighed more than three tons and longer than 17 feet and had no power steering.
The TV show Batman only lasted three seasons.

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thomas page 3

Thomas page 3 by ric gustafson

Cosmo peeked into the large room. " Thomas Tessa, come take a look".
The two servants walked into the room. The room had mahogany walls and strange machines that looked like animals.
Thomas walked up to an animal wrapped in steel. " Mr Gordon, what is this?".
Tessa walked up to a strange machine that had a switch on the side. " It looks like a camel".
" It is" Cosmo replied as he walked up to the strange machine and touched it. " It is the latest in exercise equipment".
Tessa looked around. " Where is Mrs Gordon?".
" Taking a nap".
" What else is in here Mr Gordon?".
" A squash court, a Turkish bath and a fancy swimming pool".

research help: ' The Dressmaker' by Kate Alcott

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Peacemaker: Surrendered Peace

Peacemaker: Surrendered Peace by ric gustafson

The foundation for peace in our lives is that we must surrender our wills. God has a plan for each of us but when we pursue our own will we have turmoil instead of peace. God will lead us by the presence of his peace. In order to have peace, we need to make choices that please God. To have peace with God, we need to experience not knowing what tomorrow will bring. The way to start toward peace with God are baby steps in faith. Proverbs 3: 5-7 says to lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord. God wants us to follow peace and to wait for his good plan for our lives.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Batmobile page 1

Batmobile page 1 by ric gustafson

In January 1941, Detective Comics #47 told a story of Batman going home by swinging from his batrope. He enters an old barn and then presses a button. The floor slides away and then Batman walks down to an underground tunnel. Batman #5 showed Batman and Robin getting into the first Batmobile. This vehicle was a dark blue sedan that sported a giant bat hood ornament and a tail fin.
One of their first adversarys was the Joker. He had red lips, piercing eyes and green hair. Wayne Manor had a secret elevator that led to the Batmobile garage. A steel ramp run by a winch was used to pull the vehicle up so it could leave. This mysterious cavern below Wayne Manor was the Bat Cave.
In 1950, the Batmobile got a major upfitting including a new body, a plastic bubble top and a roof mounted spotlight. Rocket tubes were put into the rear fenders and a new engine was installed. A backseat crime lab was installed.
In 1964, Batman turned 25 years old.

research help: ' Batmobile the complete history' by Mark Cotta Vaz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thomas page 2

Thomas page 2 by ric gustafson

Thomas held onto the railing of the tender.
A sailor hooked a chain so that the gate was next to the gangplank. " Be careful coming up the gangplank".
Lady Duff and Tessa slowly walked up the gangplank and then stopped in front of an officer and an older gentleman.
" Welcome aboard the Titanic" Bruce Ismay said quietly as he tipped his bowler hat. " I hope your voyage on board is a good one".
Cosmo and Thomas followed the women into the ship. Later, as they watched the huge ship start the engines to depart, Thomas noticed a woman who was wearing a large hat waving goodbye.
" Mr Gordon, who is that?".
" I believe her name is Mrs Brown from Leadville Colorado". He stared at her for a moment. " I think she is a first class passenger".
" Mr Gordon, where am I staying on board?".
" Both you and Tessa are staying in steerage".

research help: ' The Dressmaker' by Kate Alcott

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Author and Finisher of our Faith

names of God: Author and Finisher of our Faith by ric gustafson

Hebrews 12:2- ' Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith'

This term refers to God the Son. As Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus is the beginning, middle and the very last word of our faith. The writer of this passage urges his listeners to turn from temptation because the reward is eternity in heaven with Jesus.
Jesus told parables or stories. Jesus's story had a great beginning, a middle and a glorious end. After his death and resurrection, Jesus promised that his story would never end.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thomas page 1

Thomas page 1 by ric gustafson

Thomas ran down the seaweed covered dock. " A job" he yelled as he ran among the people waiting to board the giant liner. " Does anybody need a servant?".
Elinor Glyn pointed at the young man. " Look at that desperate young man Lucile".
Lucile Duff Gordon touched her bright red hair. " I just hired a new servant".
" Oh yes, Tess Collins".
Thomas almost ran into a tall thin man who sported a large mustache. " Where are you going young man?".
" Looking for a job Sir" he replied with a smile. " So I can get on that big ship".
" What is your name young man?".
" Thomas Bent".
" Well Thomas Bent, if you can leave within the hour" he said as he pointed toward the Titanic. " I will hire you as my servant".

research help: ' The Dressmaker' by Kate Alcott

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Peacemaker: Trust of Peace

Peacemaker: Trust of Peace by ric gustafson

I Peter 3:11 says that we are to eagerly search and seek peace. To find peace we first need to trust God through Jesus the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us that his name will be Wonderful Counselor Prince of Peace. Being right with God brings us joy and peace. To have peace we need to take up the cross and follow Jesus daily. Jesus says that if we follow him, he will give us peace.
Jesus is the Lord of Peace and wants us to surrender our heart and life to him.

research help: ' In Pursuit of Peace' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spiritual Roots: Service

Spiritual Roots: Service by ric gustafson

Not only does our bodies need exercise, our spiritual faith needs exercise too. If we keep our faith to ourselves, inside we are spiritually dead. Every contact that we have with people could be a chance to introduce them to Jesus. No matter who we are, God can use us to be a servant for him. Serving God and Jesus will strengthen and preserve our spiritual roots.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Nearing Home' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Spiritual Roots: Fellowship

Spiritual Roots: Fellowship by ric gustafson

As humans and christians, we were not made to be isolated from each other. Especially in faith, we need other christians in our lives. We need to draw strength from the lives of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. God wants us to be involved in a church where our faith will grow through preaching, teaching and worship. As christians we need spiritual food so that our souls are fed, nourished and growing. Through fellowship with fellow believers, our spiritual roots will grow.

research help: ' Nearing Home' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric