Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the whisper page 1

the whisper page 1 by ric gustafson

Isaiah 30:21- ' Your ears will hear a word behind you, this is the way walk in it'

We live in a world full of voices. Television, advertisers, banks and credit card offers are all trying to get our attention. But the most important voice we need to hear is from God. We make decisions based on what we hear and know. If we are not hearing from God, what will we base our decisions on?".
God wants to speak to us regarding big decisions in our lives along with the everyday little stuff. God has a specific plan for our lives but also has the right to change that plan.
As human beings, we are not sure what is best for our lives. We have limited vision and knowledge. God is a limitless God who has an incredible plan for each of our lives. If we hear and obey his voice, he will protect, guide, comfort and shower us with his blessings.

research help: ' God Whispers' by Margaret Feinberg

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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