Wednesday, March 14, 2012

what's the good word page 1

what's the good word page 1 by ric gustafson

Albert ducked as the flaming arrow made it's familiar noise as it struck the tree next to Albert's head. He looked at it and saw that it said ' Guilt' on it. He crouched down among the tall green bushes that dotted the landscape of the forest. He had been dodging and running in the forest from Satan's flaming arrows all day and now was very tired. He heard a whipping noise and a flaming arrow hit the tree next to him. He glanced at it to see that it said ' Hate' on it.
Albert ran as more flaming arrows came through the trees. He began to run up a steep trail and then hid behind a large tree. He surveyed the green valley below and to the right saw a light. He looked at it closer and noticed that it was a huge steel fortress with no windows. Albert noticed that Satan's flaming arrows were not penetrating it.
Albert ran down to the edge of the clearing as the flaming arrows flew around him. He ran toward the fortress as a flaming arrow named ' Anger' hit the ground next to him. He ran to the left side of the fortress, ducked an arrow and then ran toward the front door.
Albert knocked on the huge steel door. A little slot opened up. " What's the good word?".
" Jesus Christ who died for my sins".

research help: ' Portals of Prayer' December 2005

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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