Sunday, March 4, 2012

the story of Martha page 22

the story of Martha page 22 by ric gustafson

" Martha" Jesus said with a sigh. " Where have you laid him?".
The two sisters led him to a cave that had a large stone rolled up at the entrance.
" Take the stone away".
Martha gave Jesus a strange look. " Lord, there is going to be a stench, he's been dead four days".
He looked at Martha. " Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?".
Nathan and two others pushed until the large stone was moved away from the entrance.
Martha covered her nose because of the stench.
Jesus raised his eyes toward heaven. " Father, I thank you that you have heard me and I always know that you hear me". He stared at the entrance to the cave. " Lazarus, come forth".
Martha, Mary and the others stared at the entrance. All of a sudden, they heard a noise coming from inside the cave. A dark figure now stood in the doorway.
They all gasped as a person bound with grave clothes and a burial cloth started to walk toward them.
Jesus smiled. " Loosen his grave clothes and let him go".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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