Friday, March 9, 2012

the final story prelude

the final story prelude by ric gustafson

How does your story end?. How's that to grab your attention . To be honest, that is how I am feeling right now. I am writing this as I am eating lunch at work. Earlier this week, I found out the worst news I could ever hear. Is this the end of my story?. I pondered that after the news sunk in. I gave my life to Christ in the 8th grade and have been following him ever since.
Storms have come my way in life and God has always protected me and kept me safe. I know that he has a plan for my life and I am trying to follow that plan with all of my heart.
This storm is different and I know that. I know that God loves me and will always hold my hand. But as I eat my lunch, I am pondering one question. At age 49, is this the prelude to the end of my story?.

Everyone have a great weekend. Love Ric

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